Magazine Subscriptions

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Re: Magazine Subscriptions

Post by thatkid »

yamaha_george wrote: Hi,
Hate to tell you that Strretfighter has a couple of of septic bikes full o chrome per issue these days and it has been a GIXXER pusher for years I used to subscribe but it has gone from reasonable to rubbish swear word filled "lads mag" in 2 years.

Performance bike was good when they had a technical editor who was technical not an AD copy paster taking sweetners from the big 4 with the odd euro bike featured occasionally.

I regularly troll the mags to see if any are worth a subscription and the only one I am tempted by is the MOTOGP tech mag that is published bi-monthly just for some of the high tech info that could be adapted to my needs

They do have a lot of gsxr's and bandits. I'll give you that. Maybe I'm bias because the random ones I've picked up have been pretty good. I mean the last one, some guy adapted a jeep cherokee turbo and land rover washer pump as a methanol/water injector. I thought that was pretty clever. I'm all about clever.

I'm looking for more things like that though than I am about the latest fastest bike etc etc.
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Re: Magazine Subscriptions

Post by reelrazor »

yamaha_george wrote:I regularly troll the mags to see if any are worth a subscription and the only one I am tempted by is the MOTOGP tech mag that is published bi-monthly just for some of the high tech info that could be adapted to my needs
Do you have a link for that, George?


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Re: Magazine Subscriptions

Post by ragedigital »

tommyj27 wrote:Did someone here originally put this one together? It's the bestest.

I don't believe so. Plus, I really don't appreciate the rude comments about my apparel... :mad(
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Re: Magazine Subscriptions

Post by Target30 »

i just noticed rage, the bike in the diagram is pretty close to the same year as yours, isnt it! heh
I did that.


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Re: Magazine Subscriptions

Post by yamaha_george »

reelrazor wrote:
yamaha_george wrote:I regularly troll the mags to see if any are worth a subscription and the only one I am tempted by is the MOTOGP tech mag that is published bi-monthly just for some of the high tech info that could be adapted to my needs
Do you have a link for that, George?
took me awhile to find it BUT:-
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