Who is ready for DEER Season?

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Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?

Post by megaloxana »

GRRRRRR....buddy bailed so no hunting for me this weekend. :swear
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Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?

Post by shift »

to see some of my ride videos, click the link: http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=b ... oogle.com#
may 2009: my 88 fzr 400 sets a speed record at the maxton mile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlOk-6aUsKc
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Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?

Post by Hawker »

I hunt deer in the promised land of Northeast Saskatchewan. Lots of Americans pay big money to come up north and hunt in the area that I grew up in.

The second deer in the photos had nice long tines, but where's the mass? The beams and tines ought to be four times heavier given their length. Also, the bodies of those animals seem to be on the small side. How heavy would a good buck be in that area? We regularly get animals that take three guys to load in the back of the half-ton AFTER it's been gutted out.
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Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?

Post by docrider »

mmm that fresh tenderloin i had for dinner was good man im glad my dad went bow hunting this morning
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Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?

Post by 1BadFZR600 »

No deer this weekend...... Didnt even see any.. In mid november is peak rut and they should be running like crazy then.....

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1994 Yamaha FZR 600,stage 3 dynojet,Supertrapp 16 disc exhaust,14-46 gear.
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Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?

Post by Dr Rockso »

i mainly hunt trees , usually when me and my friends go shooting we make so much noise anything alive runs off . but some of those trees can be sneaky . i'm hoping i'll get to go out shooting again before it gets too much colder . i need to try out my new tommy gun . and i'm thinking of picking up an old mosin nagant on the off chance that we go up there one time and are quiet enough to hunt something alive . tho i bagged an 8 point buck once , and a beaver and a stork ...i'm not picky , if it's alive and is dumb enough to walk past me i'll try and get it lol . the worst was a few months ago , we were trying to shoot a dead tree down because we were almost out of ammo and ready to leave , as i fire off the last shotgun shell i had 2 black bears come over the hill about 30 feet from us , stop and check us out . i was like oh crap , am i going to have to try and beat a bear to death with an unloaded shotgun ? luckily they just sat there as we slowly backed off enough for us to turn and run back to the car (a really fat friend was with us so i was pretty sure they'd get him first and that would give us enough time ) :grinnod:
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Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?

Post by match417 »

My friend was on his cruiser on a back road where my parents live in the south east, and he said there was a deer in the middle of the road, he ran his bike off the road to miss the deer, broke his leg and screwed up his bike. He has fixed it now, I hear it's looking sweet again.

i don't hunt, never have, not many deer to hunt here, i don't even know if it's even legal to hunt deer here. But seriously though, aren't you afraid you'll be shot by Dick Cheney?
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Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?

Post by 1BadFZR600 »

match417 wrote:
i don't hunt, never have, not many deer to hunt here, i don't even know if it's even legal to hunt deer here. But seriously though, aren't you afraid you'll be shot by Dick Cheney?
No he isnt a issue........Funny though.... Ive changed my tree I use my climber in so I should see a deer this weekend.... Ive got it 50yds from a creek where they have been know to travel....

2 wheels:ImageImage
1994 Yamaha FZR 600,stage 3 dynojet,Supertrapp 16 disc exhaust,14-46 gear.
3 wheels:
1983 Honda Atc 200, superswampers, jetted,cobra exhaust..(IT REALLY FLOATS).
1984 Honda Atc 200E, Dead At the moment......
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1995 Chevy K-1500 Ext Cab (Blue) 2 layers of 5% tint...10in rims,33x12.59x16 mud terrian tires, dual exhaust..
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Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?

Post by Baghr »

I have not been hunting for the last few years, but its due to the war zone setting that evolves here when shotgun season starts. For one, I live in the town the Louvsten buck was taken a couple of years ago, and madness has ensued since then.

Seems everyone able to carry a gun comes to this area to try and take a shot at junior, whom is rumored to be running the woods still. Anyway, I tend to keep a low profile as party hunting is very popular, and every year it seems some stupid accident comes from it. The deer here are so thick I have stopped driving at dawn or dusk, as those critters aint any fun to smack into. I've had plenty of near and not-so-near misses in the last five years with crazy deer on the roads in rut or panic.

But they do taste mighty fine. I have plenty of friends that hunt so I'm never without jerky or summer sausage. Mmmm, can't wait. The bow hunters should be producing tasty sample before long, and they should start showing up at work soon....
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Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?

Post by YAM93 »

This topic -------> :deadhorse:

because ---------> :worthlesswithoutpics:

Yeah, so no more posting until you get some pictures of what you killed. Unless someone else has any more hilarious stories like Dr Rockso. Good one, and lesson-be-learned. Never leave the woods with NO AMMO !!! You just might need it on the way back.

:rofl: :banana:
" several meat-eaters lay in vomit, too weak to move..."
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