the difference over here is less marked, with the FZR600R (your YZF) only having a couple more horses, this being due to the 34mm carbs, so a quick carb swap and us chaps from Blighty are soprted
Im glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is a BAD idea. Mark what the hell are you thinkin?? The only thing the yzf is good for is the motor and brakes and swingarm/rim. A yzf over an fzr(and your fzr at that!)..shame on you!
'92 FZR 600 Airtech R1 kit \*/ 520 conversion \*/ 14F-47R gearing
K&N pod filters \*/ Stage 3 jet kit \*/ Factory Pro shift kit \*/ Full V&H SS exhaust
Custom '02 R6 undertail \*/ YZF gas tank \*/ Raised via dogbones \*/ custom flush turnsignals
Full R6 brake set-up \*/ SS lines \*/ Progressive fork springs \*/ ZX2 coilpack
megaloxana wrote:Im glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is a BAD idea. Mark what the hell are you thinkin?? The only thing the yzf is good for is the motor and brakes and swingarm/rim. A yzf over an fzr(and your fzr at that!)..shame on you!
I took it off CL. I plan to start the Swinger Swap tomorrow getting it up on the lift and taking her cloths off. I hit a snag on my wheel and cush drive. My paypal was screwed up and I sent the person a MO and she said she just got it yesterday and I know that is BS. Its been 14 days and she just got it? Whatever. I left her an email and a phone message and I was polite. Oh, she also said that she was going to deposit it and when it cleared she would send my stuff.
Ya'll giving me crap for the last day and a half so I decided to keep it because I love my fzr and if I owned a yzf I would have to go to another forum and I love it here. Leave me alone now Im going to watch a girly movie with my wife so she will leave me alone tomorrow and I can watch the AMA and Moto GP.
megaloxana wrote:Im glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is a BAD idea. Mark what the hell are you thinkin?? The only thing the yzf is good for is the motor and brakes and swingarm/rim. A yzf over an fzr(and your fzr at that!)..shame on you!
I took it off CL. I plan to start the Swinger Swap tomorrow getting it up on the lift and taking her cloths off. I hit a snag on my wheel and cush drive. My paypal was screwed up and I sent the person a MO and she said she just got it yesterday and I know that is BS. Its been 14 days and she just got it? Whatever. I left her an email and a phone message and I was polite. Oh, she also said that she was going to deposit it and when it cleared she would send my stuff.
That sucks man, but glad you're keeping it! I've had some issues lately too with sellers, I swear, a lot of people just don't care anymore...
'03 Liquid Silver R6
'91 FZR 600
'97 Forks w/ .85kg/mm Race Tech springs, Gold-Valve Emulators (2 turns), 20w fork oil / Fox Twin Clicker
R6 front calipers and master cylinder, R6 tail
YZF swingarm conversion
'01 R1 Digital Cluster conversion
K&N Drop-In, Factory Pro emulsion tubes, stock 5CFZ4 needle on clip 2, 22mm floats, mixture screws temp tuned
Bridgestone BT-016s 110/170
Im glad your keeping it! I was out teaching a friend to ride on my Fizzer yesterday and everytime i get on it (the FZR) i'm surprised i like it so much... what a great bike... You'll just have to add a new bike to the fleet when you are ready to upgrade..
Hey man, Im glad you aint sellin the FZR... I had a guy come up to me yesterday on a Honda CBR 1000 and he said "Man I like your bike, the color, the front end, all of it", made me feel good And then he said "Ice Ice Baby had the same bike" LOL2
old_school wrote:Im glad your keeping it! I was out teaching a friend to ride on my Fizzer yesterday and everytime i get on it (the FZR) i'm surprised i like it so much... what a great bike... You'll just have to add a new bike to the fleet when you are ready to upgrade..
You made a good choice mark
I was gonna go flag your craiglist posts anyway LOL2
Thats what I intend to do in the spring next year. You probably did do that to save the fizzer!
i wouldnt of sold the fzr for a yzf600...they are heavy pigs. get somthing with an aluminum frame next and FI if ya can. you'll thank yourself after you ride it.