Stealership rant

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Stealership rant

Post by tommyj27 »

So in the two weeks since I bought my new bike my opinion of the dealership I bought it from (will go unnamed for the moment) has gone from "almost good" to "how the F do you have any customers". They seem to have screwed up almost everything they've done. In retrospect, I should have seen what a cat rodeo I was dealing with from the start, but you know what they say about hindsight.

Here is the short list of what they haven't gotten right so far.
*They processed all the paperwork on the original sale as a Yamaha CBR600RR. I had to go back through and initial all the places they listed that.
*They didn't have all the paperwork ready for me to begin with. I was walking out the door with the keys and the finance chick chased me down with the title registration form.
*I still haven't heard a word on my license plate that was supposed to be delivered to the dealership. My g/f got her plates the day she transferred the title, how long could it take the "professionals"?
*My frame sliders have apparently been in for like a week, but no one got around to calling me until yesterday.
*When parts called about the frame sliders, they sent me over to service to schedule an appointment for installation. After service didn't pick up and I got transferred back to parts (and retransferred) the service guy asked if I could just drop it off (Wednesday morning) and hopefully they would have it done by the weekend. Don't they schedule these sorts of things?
*And this is what really ticked me off. My g/f and I went over there the day she bought her bike to get a new helmet (her old one sucked). She ordered an EXO-700 with girly graphics that they had to special order. She pre-paid on a credit card and no big deal right, got the helmet quickly and she loves it. Except that two days later an additional $50 charge shows up on her credit card. She called about it yesterday and the parts chick told her "Oh yeah, I didn't charge you the right price for your helmet and the accounting goon made me bill you the balance." I may not know much, but I'm pretty sure that a business cannot bill your credit card without your explicit authorization. And when we have two invoices showing the price of the helmet being what she paid (originally), I don't think there is a whole lot to discuss. I told her to call the credit card company first and report an unauthorized transaction, then call the general manager and tell them she isn't paying; and ask wtf they keep her credit card information on file for.

At this point I am seriously unhappy at the prospect of doing any more business with this company. I don't feel comfortable leaving my bike with them for 10 minutes, much less an indeterminate amount of time until they get around to installing my sliders (parts and service prepaid). Depending on the g/f's conversation this morning I am seriously considering telling them to keep their sliders and refund the whole amount. I've got some concerns about the bike, but I may say to hell with it and pay to take the bike somewhere else (see above about not trusting them with my bike).
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Re: Stealership rant


damn thats one hell of a bill you guys got there and to figure you spent god knows how much on the bikes you would figure they would be throwing accessories at you guys and not hidden cost's and bullshit run arounds ..but i know what you mean i took my tire on a rim and asked just to take the tire off, nothing else they wanted almost 50 bucks and pick up the next day .. f-that . I would go back to the dealership . ask to speak to manager ..tell him what u told us .. if that dont help.. threaten to take the bike's back due to all the problems and hassles they giving you ..
2002 R1 9k miles , Hotbodies undertail , Chopped Hindle Hi Mount , Solo Seat cowl,Frame sliders, little yellow yamaha wheel stickers .hehe
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Re: Stealership rant

Post by abs929cbrrr »

reason i am very wise on what dealer i choose. some are good and some are not. find a good one and you'll have problems.

sorry about your just wait til the new bikes needs work. :duh:
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Re: Stealership rant

Post by tommyj27 »

Can you return a bike? I figured once the paperwork was signed and you drive off the lot you're stuck with it.
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Re: Stealership rant


theres always certain stipulations and what nots .. just have to know the in's and outs of the bussiness i guess . but figuring they sold u a yamaha cbr and all seems like they dont have any brains .. in my mind powersports dealers are in it just for the HIGH interest they can get people . unless you outsmart them and walk in get it under msrp and cash them out right there and then .. in Michigan everyone is offering .0 down $49 /month payment .. but what people dont get it that they charging 29%interest on the loan amount ..
2002 R1 9k miles , Hotbodies undertail , Chopped Hindle Hi Mount , Solo Seat cowl,Frame sliders, little yellow yamaha wheel stickers .hehe
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Re: Stealership rant

Post by tommyj27 »

i'll play that card if it comes to it, hopefully I can get things dealt with in a civil manner. as it is they aren't making whole lot of money on me. I got the bike for substantially less than MSRP and the financing is set at %4.99. They're making something, but not a boatload.
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Re: Stealership rant

Post by tommyj27 »

Update. The g/f worked things out with the dealer this morning. I was pretty impressed that she stuck to her guns when they tried to give her the runaround. Turns out that the itemized receipt she has shows the correct price of 277 but the parts chick punched 227 into the credit card machine. When they figured it out they just billed her card again. Now I would expect that if someone makes a mistake like that, the dealer should eat the cost; We're not trying to get something for nothing, but it's not our mistake. If they really want the balance on the transaction, they should have at least called before billing her card again. IMHO, billing the card again w/o informing her is just bad business; it leads to situations like this. The dealer credited her card the $50 and she is satisfied.

I'm still not impressed with how the situation was handled or how the dealer handles things in general, but I'm glad that they were able to reach a resolution that doesn't involve completely alienating multiple customers.
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Re: Stealership rant

Post by megaloxana »

Dude do you go to the same dealership as me?? I swear my dealership is just as full of incompetant jackass' as yours.
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Re: Stealership rant

Post by haro504 »

its like every dealer qualification is a head firmly planted in a shady area i always had problems like that waited a week for a part then finally called to ask for its where abouts and was told they forget to order it, but they were sure to remember to get full payment first. my gf had the same problem with her nissan dealer. i just said forget about the warranty on my old bike and did everything myself. you should be able to install the frame sliders your self the ones i bought for my old bike used existing engine mounts and came with longer bolts to attach them took like an hour the hard part was getting the fairing off.
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Re: Stealership rant

Post by YAM93 »

Yeah, that's why I'm willing to drive a good distance to go to a better mechanic if need be. As far as dealerships, sounds like you found a bad one. It really boils down to the people running the place and the competence or incompetence of their staff.

Unfortunately, a LOT of competent people will lie to you also, just to get more money from you or screw you over. Some people just don't care any more, they come to work drunk or drugged up, or are just really stupid, uneducated worthless slobs. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I think that about covers it.

Do yourself a favor and STAY AWAY FROM THEM. It's not worth going to jail for murder or arson, because that will be the next happy step and I'm sure a few of us here can suggest which handgun to purchase.

My dad had stuff worse than that happen at a car dealership once. He was going to drive the Chevy Blazer right thru the glass storefront and set it on fire and walk away. A great idea, but, fortunately he never did it.

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Re: Stealership rant

Post by Luke-a-Tron »

We should start section in the wiki for dealership/mechanic reviews. Good idea?
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Re: Stealership rant

Post by tommyj27 »

Dropped my bike off with them yesterday because they said they could have it done today. They also said they would have to cut holes in the cowling to mount them properly. I just want to get this taken care of so I can be done with their BS. And heaven help them if they f it up, cuz I'm ready to start a sh!tstorm.
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Re: Stealership rant

Post by tommyj27 »

The drama continues...

So those frame sliders that they were going to have to cut holes for (and charged me extra)...5 minute bolt on job, i wouldn't be surprised if they knew all along that they were bolt-on and used the cutting excuse to scare me into paying for them to install. They are going to credit me the difference between regular slider install and the "have to cut holes version" but I'm still not a happy camper.

I also haven't gotten my plate yet, they say MN is way behind on getting plates made this, whether that's BS or not IDK.

And the best part, I checked my oil yesterday morning before leaving for work and nothing in the sight window. Put the bike back and drove the cage. Called the stealership and they are looking at the bike today. All I have to say is they had better not even mention charging me to fix the oil problem or they are going to have one unhappy camper on their hands and I'll be over there with a trailer to pick the thing up.
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Re: Stealership rant

Post by tommyj27 »

oops, forgot these

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Re: Stealership rant

Post by YAM93 »

bonkonhead bonkonhead bonkonhead

ok stop taking your bike to these ass-heads and do all this simple stuff yourself. Every time you take your bike up there complaining I bet they break something else on purpose. Could cause an accident.
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