Another helmet thread.

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Re: Another helmet thread.

Post by Baghr »

I have an Arai Quantum F(Nori replica) I've had for years and its the best helmet I've ever owned regarding fit and comfort. I've owned plenty of different brands, and for me nothing even came close to the Arai. There are many good helmets out there nowadays but for me, I'll stick with Arai.

Bell used to make "the" full faced racing helmet, and anyone that was anyone raced with a bell. I haven't owned one since the early 80's, but it was high quality then. Of course the technology is killer now, but you can still get junk if you don't check them out good.
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Re: Another helmet thread.

Post by bucket »

well I’m going to make my decision on Wednesday. seams allot of ppl like the exo-700, but I’m still veering tords the bell (I like the flat black with blue flames)

It seams that all the companies are coming out with really good helmets even in this lowered price range. I think any helmet I get will be better then the one I have know.

I think the helmet companies need to come up with a basis on how good a helmet is. really you look at the price, and you can get a crap helmet on that judgment. I think they should set up a 1 to 20 scale, venting, weight, and what shape of head it was designed for. Helmet Harbor has allot of good info but that’s based on one persons opinion.

I'll post up with what I get . and my opinion.
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Re: Another helmet thread.

Post by Baghr »

I've noticed that many mail order companies have "customer reviews" regarding the product you are looking at. I understand there is no way to find out if the helmet fits or not until you actually wear it, but there is a lot of good information on them if there is something that does or doesn't seem to be liked by the customers. I'd zero in on the one you want, then do a lot of looking into its customer reviews. my2cents
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Re: Another helmet thread.

Post by cad600 »

Some more food for thought. ... index.html

Not trying to swing you one way or another, just wanted to see that some of the less expensive helmets are actually better at saving your life than some over priced brands.

Ultimitaly, the decission is up to you based on your price point, comfort, and desire. Make sure you post up what you deside and pictures if you get a new one.
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Re: Another helmet thread.

Post by Luke-a-Tron »

Any helmet that's not obviously a toy will do the job of keeping the squishy parts of your head where they belong. The main thing that separates the quality helmets anymore is weight and venting. Some have some nice bonus features like the EXO-1000 that has an internal retractable sun visor and a pump system to fine tune the fit. You of course pay heavily for those things.

For me what makes a good helmet great is it's aerodynamics and noise level, which are closely related. A helmet that is not well designed in terms of aerodynamics will require a lot muscle activity in your neck to keep your head still. In more extreme cases (my old CS-12 was terrible about this when I turned my head), the wind will rearrange the helmet on your head, for instance the chin my come up and partially block your view. Fighting the helmet causes tons of fatigue. It should not be underestimated how much the noise contributes to fatigue as well.

Whatever you go with, in the price range you're looking at, there aren't any bad choice. I advocate the EXO-700 because it is an outstanding value.

Oh and one quick note about sites that are selling things which allow customer reviews. I have run into a number of sites which will not post my negative reviews of the product they're hawking. Obviously there is conflict of interests here. Keep that in mind when weighing these reviews.
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