What should I do?

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What should I do?

Post by ian »

Ok, as some of you know, I start college in a few weeks and I will be moving down to live with my aunt. I am studying aviation, so I will have very little money to keep up my motorcycle.

I've been seeing a lot of guys selling their fizzers for a lot more than we know they are worth, so I've been considering trying my luck and then getting a newer bike. The only thing is, I don't have the lowers, my side panels are in fairly bad shape, my peanut and stator covers are scratched up, and I'm burning oil. I'm not sure if any one would give me 2000 for my bike, what I would need in order to afford a newer bike. Also, I only have about 4600 right now, and I was really going to use it for my private flight classes which will run 3800. So even if I did get her sold, I'm not sure if I would be able to afford a newer bike.

Another thing is I love the forums here, I love that no one's squid and lots of guys here know their way around the FZR. I'm somewhat worried that I won't have the same quality with a CBR or R6 forum.

Do you guys think I should sell and try my luck or what?
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Re: What should I do?

Post by cad600 »

Do you have another mode of transportation? If so, keep the FZR and have fun riding it as long as you can. Keep the money you set aside for school for school not something else. Fix up the FZR as you have time and money and don't worry about it. The other side to newer bikes are higher insurance cost, so you might price yourself out of one altogether if your not carefull.

Either way, don't just up and disapear from this forum if you do sell it. While we are for FZR fanatics, we deffinatly understand why some people "upgrade". But your right about one thing. Most other forums are not that nice to newer riders/members.

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Re: What should I do?

Post by tommyj27 »

One thing to consider is that with a newer bike you're going to be looking at higher insurance premiums. I could have taken my fizz to a shop and had it running tip top for a lot less than I'm spending on insurance and payments. In the grand scheme of things, the FZR is pretty bulletproof, especially if you keep up on the maintenance. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it if you really want to (I did); but riding a bike is going to be an expensive hobby whether you've got an old bike or a new bike.

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Re: What should I do?

Post by Luke-a-Tron »

I know several pilots and flight school is god damn expensive. I would suggest you take whichever option leaves you with the most money in the bank afterwards. You're not going to have tons of spare time to ride anyway.
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Re: What should I do?

Post by Fartblood »

Keep the Fizzer and invest some time, and a minimal ammount of money, in sprucing the old girl up. If you're doing aviation type stuff, then who knows what sort of exotic materials and workshop facilities you'll soon have to play with WOOT

Good luck with the studies.

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Re: What should I do?

Post by ian »

not sure where my post just went to...

anyways, I do not have any other transportation, I sold the car to get the bike. Does anyone have any idea what an engine rebuild would cost to stop my oil problem and get her in tip top shape? I'm willing to spend about 1000 to get her back to grease lightning.

I'd also be open to buying a low mileage engine if anyone has one.
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Re: What should I do?

Post by YAM93 »

You live really close to Modidy right? Why not send him a PM and ask him if he'd take a look at it. (I can't remember if he's an expert on engines but he's had like 100 bikes and done lots of work to them) (how many miles are on the bike???) I can't imagine a new piston, rings, gaskets, valve adjustment(?) and labor costing over 1000 bucks. They should be able to sync / clean / jet the carbs also. Hopefully your area of the country is less expensive than up here.

Good thing is in Texas you should be able to ride all year. So yeah, keep the bike unless they tell you something is wrong with the crank or some other really large, critical part of the engine that cannot be fixed easily or costs big money.

Obviously use as little money as possible, as it sounds like flight school should be eating most of your savings. You can always get a better or different bike when you graduate school and start making more money. Of course by then you'll probably be thinking about what kind of mortgage you can afford.

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Re: What should I do?

Post by 95FZR600 »

If your fizz is rideable and you can get another year or two then keep it and use your money towards private lessons and save towards a newer bike in the future. Why would you even consider another forum? LOL bonkonhead
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Re: What should I do?

Post by bucket »

first off I'd keep the bike, and find out whats wrong with it. keep the 1000 in the bank tell it brakes.

second you need to email me about school theres alot you can learn on your own and save alot!! of money. If I knew what I did when I started flying I would have about 40 to 30 K in the bank :rofl: I have my Com. rotor craft licens and trying to get some cash to get my CFI. shoot me an email bucket.chirs81@gmail.com or Pm me
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