400 or 600 shim kits
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400 or 600 shim kits
My collection is dwindling, any leftover/partial kits/collections out there collecting dust?
BRS Racing #61
VRRA Competition Coordinator
VRRA Competition Coordinator
Re: 400 or 600 shim kits
I've got a pretty solid amount.

Do YOU Scopper?
"When some people cry, it's not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for far too long."
Re: 400 or 600 shim kits
At least I think I do. I could have very well thrown them out. I'll check the garage this weekend and see.

Do YOU Scopper?
"When some people cry, it's not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for far too long."
Re: 400 or 600 shim kits
Thanks Nate. I've got (4) heads to do this winter and one is already cut (5 angle) and one more will be when I'm done with it. So they'll need quite a bit of swapping around.
BRS Racing #61
VRRA Competition Coordinator
VRRA Competition Coordinator
Re: 400 or 600 shim kits
I'm going to need to do something valve adjustment soon now that I'm commuting on the FZR. Any chance I can get in on some shims?
Re: 400 or 600 shim kits
If it's just your commuter bike, chances are you'll be able to mix-n-match what you have or at worst need to order one or two to get things squared away. Measure first and then you'll know what you'll need.
BRS Racing #61
VRRA Competition Coordinator
VRRA Competition Coordinator
Re: 400 or 600 shim kits
I found them! Man, I really thought I had chucked them after my first sweep but I persevered and found them hiding in a very odd place. I have a baggie of 56 shims from 1.60 to 1.95.

Do YOU Scopper?
"When some people cry, it's not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for far too long."