97 fzr 600 dead battery?

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97 fzr 600 dead battery?

Post by crasher »

Okay so yes my battery is dead. However it runs great and responds to throttle perfectly when I have jumper cables attatched but when I disconnect the jumper cables it dies. Shouldn't the bike stay running regardless of a dead battery? I plan on buying a multimeter on Tuesday, but in the mean time I'd like to learn what I can. Any and all input is appreciated
Last edited by crasher on Sun Apr 19, 2015 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 97 fzr 600 dead battery?

Post by crasher »

Okay so I spent quite a bit of time on some research. I found that the dead battery could be sucking all the power up from the stator which is not allowing power to get put out elsewhere. Still seems odd but I'll buy it. Any thoughts or input?
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Re: 97 fzr 600 dead battery?

Post by DonTZ125 »

If the battery is dead and the bike dies when the jumper is disconnected, your stator and/or VRR is completely dead.
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Re: 97 fzr 600 dead battery?

Post by crasher »

really? I did a lot of research and in that it lead me to believe the dead battery was the culprit. damn I hope your wrong haha. I bought a multimeter so if weather permits ill do some testing anyway. I appreciate the response thank you
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Re: 97 fzr 600 dead battery?

Post by DonTZ125 »

DonTZ125 wrote:If the battery is dead and the bike dies when the jumper is disconnected, your stator and/or VRR is completely dead.
If the bike dies when the outside source of power is removed, it ain't providing any of its own ... :swear
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Re: 97 fzr 600 dead battery?

Post by dans92fzr600r »

A new battery is going to cost alot more than a battery. And a new stator with said regulator is on ebay for around 100 dollars. So either way you go, its going to cost you around the same no matter which direction you go first.
Don is a pretty knowledgable man, so when he offers his input just rest assured he knows what hes talking about. And hes telling you to take care of the stator and regulator first. So that you dont buy a new battery and it not be the issue. i would say take care of the charging system before the battery. That way you know for sure that its the problem. Rather than end up buying the all three parts anyways.
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Re: 97 fzr 600 dead battery?

Post by crasher »

allright thank you for the replies ill start looking for a stator and vrr thanks so much
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