Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:06 pm
alright folks back again for another question now im having issues with my tach well i think so anyways just need some input one week ago i was on the highway doing 75 mph in high gear was running right at 7000 rpms two days later on the same highway going 75mph that time i was running 6500rpms but today i was there again but at 75mph in high gear i was running just under 9000rpms WTF??? yes i know for sure i was in high gear every time and no i havent down anything with the chain or sprockets or anything like that. and no the clutch isnt slipping because at 9000rpms i hammered down on it and it took right off. and in my honest opinion it sure as hell didnt sound like i was running 9000rpms sounds like a broken tach to me but just wanted to get some more input on it any help is much appreciated.