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My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:21 pm
by MyYz400
My FZR may not be an FZR?
I bought a 93' FZR600R that (i was told) has a 94 motor in it. Thats all I know.
I've been having sputtering problems at >25% throttle and so I've been trying to chase it down ie. there is no fuel pump, but online says there is. online says the tank is a 2 piece tank, I have a single piece tank . More I dive into it, the more things dont add up. All the Mirco feiche dont accurately show my bike. I've added a few photos to see if anyone can see whats going on here. Also I see alot of photos that show a radiator tube running threw the frame... I dont have this either.
PS- Looks like the image hosting size cropped, rather then resized, so the pictures are cut off. I'll try to upload them better later if I can.
Thoughts? I can take more pictures if needed. I just need to know what the previous owner did to this bike!
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:39 pm
by DonTZ125
You have an FZR600 frame with a YZF600 (95-96) tank and bodywork. You need to check the forks, swingarm, and engine.
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:40 pm
by SouthendChris
What are the first three digits of the frame number - the actual one stamped into the headstock?? The fairings look like 4JH, what we in England would call a Foxeye.
As far as I know though they never came with an 18" rear wheel as per the sticker in your pictures,
what size is your rear tyre?? 160/60 R17 I bet. If you notice on the bottom right of that sticker it has a part number that starts 3HH. The 3HH from what I remember is the American (or even just Californian?) version of the FZR600 Genesis. You guys got more Emissions gubbins on the inlet side.
I think your bike is a FZR600
R but in America didnt you call them YZF600's??
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:54 pm
by MyYz400
Let me check really quick... Oh and it wasnt the hosting site that cropped the pictures, it's the forum. If you can see all of the picture, right click on the image and click "view picture".
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:02 pm
by MyYz400
The rear tire it a 170/60-R17... Not sure if this is the engine number, but down on the right side (clutch cover) on the block itself there is these number "4NC-000382". I do see the tank does not match the frame very well. There are locations where the tank lines move up to make room for the frame, but the frame continues straight down. So something is different here. I dont think it matters, but I ordered a new front break master cylinder and it came with an integrated reservoir, but my bike has a remote mounted cup. As for the evap can, yes it came with that too, but I just removed it.
PS - the stamped marking match the sticker, except for a preceding 'YM'
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:11 pm
by MyYz400
Also, my biggest concern right now, is that I can not locate a fuel pump. Im unsure is it's needed, or what. The bike starts great, but under high throttle, it sputters and can barely pull (sounding like fuel delivery issue). All lines are clear, and carbs look ok. So thats where all this confusion is coming from is about the micro feishe talking about a fuel pump, and my bike not having one. The first photo shows a location that looks like it could be for a fuel pump. I'm lost and unable to ride until I can figure this stuff out.
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:16 pm
by fzrbrandon
That's not a 3HE/3HH FZR600 frame (even though the VIN sticker indicates otherwise). It's kind of hard to say 100% for sure from those pics but it DOES appear to be a YZF frame. Since the VIN sticker also indicates a '93 model year (and the U.S. Foxeye YZF600 / Non-U.S. Foxeye FZR600 were not available until '94 at the earliest) I'm thinking there may be some shenanigans going on here.

Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:19 pm
by fzrbrandon
MyYz400 wrote:Also, my biggest concern right now, is that I can not locate a fuel pump.
I don't think the YZFs had fuel pumps (may be wrong here so I apologize if that's the case.
Start looking at fiche pages for the U.S. '95 & '96 YZF600 (which is the the Foxeye). My guess is that you'll start recognizing lots of stuff.
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:21 pm
by MyYz400
fzrbrandon, the stampings match the sticker, digit for digit. So the sticker is correct for the frame. But I agree, something is shady here, and it would be nice to figure it out. Cuz once I figure this out, i'll need to figure out the next steps for the fuel pump.
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:26 pm
by MyYz400
Yup, just looked at the 95 YZF600, and boom! tank is the same! electrical looks close. and YZF has a 'in tank' fuel pump, which my bike is lacking. And there is my problem. I'll keep looking to see what bike goes to what, but thankyou sooo much for the help. This clear up ALOT of confusion!
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:30 pm
by SouthendChris
Well if your rear tyre is a 17"......The FZR600 Genesis (ie no exup valve) only ever came with an 18" rear wheel.
The FZR600R Exup (YZF600 in USA) should have only come with a 17" rear wheel. The engine is mounted differenty in the YZF600, there are NO bottom frame rails as the engine is a stressed member. The YZF has two mounts that bolt to the SIDES of the cylinder block.
If your frame has rails that go down from the steering head and under the engine, and definately NO mounts on the side of the engine then it IS a 3HH frame.
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:30 pm
by fzrbrandon
MyYz400 wrote:fzrbrandon, the stampings match the sticker, digit for digit. So the sticker is correct for the frame. But I agree, something is shady here, and it would be nice to figure it out. Cuz once I figure this out, i'll need to figure out the next steps for the fuel pump.
Well, I can guarantee that it's NOT a 3HE/3HH FZR600. As I mentioned before, these Foxeye bikes were not released at all until the '94 model year ('95 in the U.S.). Judging by the carb bracketry under the airbox, they appear to be YZF carbs as well (which would likely mean it's a YZF motor). Have a look on the top right side of the motor (just above the clutch cover, where the oil fill cap is). I believe the motor number will be stamped here (it is on the FZRs). The numeric digits should match the the last five numbers of the VIN (on the frame AND sticker). If they don't, that means the motor did NOT come with the bike.
BTW, here's a fiche link: ... 5&fveh=668
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:31 pm
by DJStaticX
Uh , couldn't someone just re-stamp the numbers ? Pretty sure I've heard of people doing that before when they swap frames and such.
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:35 pm
by fzrbrandon
SouthendChris wrote:Well if your rear tyre is a 17"......The FZR600 Genesis (ie no exup valve) only ever came with an 18" rear wheel.
The FZR600R Exup (YZF600 in USA) should have only come with a 17" rear wheel. The engine is mounted differenty in the YZF600, there are NO bottom frame rails as the engine is a stressed member. The YZF has two mounts that bolt to the SIDES of the cylinder block.
If your frame has rails that go down from the steering head and under the engine, and definately NO mounts on the side of the engine then it IS a 3HH frame.
Good tips on the frame mounting Chris. Just throwing it out there but the 2nd picture clearly indicates to me that it is NOT a 3HH/3HE frame. Notice the beveling on the top half of the right frame spar (amongst a few other things).
EDIT - Compare your frame to these: ... =64&t=9635 ... =64&t=6551
They're both U.K. examples of the Foxeye FZR600. Remember, though, that they are the same as the U.S. '95 & '96 YZF600. Same bike - just different badging...
Re: My FZR may not be an FZR/ (pics)
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:35 pm
by fzrbrandon
DJStaticX wrote:Uh , couldn't someone just re-stamp the numbers ? Pretty sure I've heard of people doing that before when they swap frames and such.
This is exactly what I'm thinking (which is why he should have a look at the engine number).