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Charging system please help!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:33 pm
by ThePitbull785
ok so heres the deal i have a 93 fzr600 i found a diagram of how to go through and check the entire charging system what i did i started at the battery i have 12.08V thats good ok so then i moved on to checking the battery at 3000 rpm should have between 13.7 and 14.9 mine dropped to 11.46 so i took the negative cable off and measured amps between negative cable and negative post and i got .001 amps which i should have i proceeded to disconnect the voltage regulator ran the bike up to 3000rpms and checked volts between all combos of white wires i was not getting the 40 to 60 volts needed i was getting 39 volts so i turned the bike off and checked the resistance between the white wires in ohms and was not getting any reading whatsoever let me add it has a new stator (one week old) new voltage regulator (three weeks ago) and new battery about 4 months ago. so my issue is that my bike IS charging but no where near how it should be please help i am sick of having a dead battery every week.

Re: Charging system please help!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:11 pm
by reelrazor
You checked the white wires with your meter on the AC volts scale? 39VAC is okay. It should have plenty of voltage to spare at 35+VAC per phase.

Do one more check....

VOM on 'ohms':

Check from each white (three phase) wire from the stator (stator lead disconnected) to the engne case. You are checking for continuity to ground....

It should read 'infinity ohms'. (no continuity). If you have continuity from any one of the white wires to ground the stator is shorted and will 'dump' to the path of least resistance (direct to ground) rather than supplying voltage to a load(rectifier/regulator). Your meter on the VAC scale may not constitute enough load to catch this during an ACvoltage test.

Re: Charging system please help!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:24 pm
by ThePitbull785
hey man i will definately check that out when i can get my hands back on that volt meter that reads ohms i will post on here tomorrow what i find out thanks for the idea

Re: Charging system please help!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:49 pm
by ThePitbull785
alright man i ran that test you told me and i had no continuity from white wires to ground therefore no short in the stator right. i had the battery on charge all night last night on my trickle charger. i took it off charge and sitting with ignition off i was reading 13.89V when i started it up it jumped all the way down to 11.80V and only went up to 11.86 at 3000Rpms. any ideas on the next step would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Charging system please help!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:27 pm
by DonTZ125
If you're reading 13.8v on a 6-cell lead-acid battery, either the meter is broken or the battery is.

Re: Charging system please help!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:23 pm
by ThePitbull785
ok i have an update my dad thinks the headlights are draining too much power at idle so i checked it with the headlight bulbs pulled out at rest with the bike off it read 13.5V at idle it dropped to 12.5V (it dipped to 11.8V before) ok now heres the kicker at 3000 RPMS it went all the way up to 14.65V (before it only went up to 11.86V) do you think i could have a problem with the headlights? also this winter were going complete through it and i wanted to ask i like the look of the single headlight better and i was wondering if that might help?

Re: Charging system please help!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:18 pm
by DonTZ125
Again - if you are reading over 12.8vdc (engine off, no charger) on a standard battery, something is very wrong. Either the meter is wrong, you are using it wrong, or one of the cells is damaged in such a way that it has formed what is effectively a seventh cell. Attempting to diagnose a dynamic charging issue from an impossible baseline will only confuse and frustrate you and the audience.

Re: Charging system please help!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:42 pm
by ThePitbull785
DonTZ125 not to say your wrong but i think your wrong according to the manual and other post i have read with the ignition off i should read between 12 and roughly 14V on another note folks i believe i have solved the problem turns out the PO replaced the bulbs in the headlights i believe the standard size for these are 12V 35W well mine had 12V55W installed i took one of the bulbs out checked battery had 13.0V rode it for about 30 minutes came back and let it sit for about 5 minutes now its reading 12.99V so i feel like that should be fixed i will update in a few days whether or not its still getting the right volts. thank you guys for your help