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Another new fzr
Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:30 pm
by Mrjtnorwood
So a guy has a 1992 fzr 600. He disassembled the whole thing, and has all the parts in bins. It all looks to be in really good shape. He wants $300 for it. I figure I can get it and throw it together, or part it out- either way worth more then $300. What you guys think?
Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:02 pm
by ragedigital
Maybe.... if the fairings are in decent shape, then you can do pretty well. If there are no fairings, I'd give him $20 for it all.
Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 4:50 pm
by Mrjtnorwood
The fairings are Allen good shape, and he has a jet kit on the carbs that, if they fit, I will put on my other fzr. It's all in good shape though. It's just all taken apart. The tires are even in good shape. And he's gonna throw Ina carb sync tool, and a bunch of other stuff. Lol
Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:02 am
by fzrbrandon
ragedigital wrote:If there are no fairings, I'd give him $20 for it all.

Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:41 am
by thatkid
Darrin is just hatin' on the fzr lately.
300 isn't bad. I got one for that in the same type of shape but with a bad front end and built it up and sold it for 1500.
Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:08 am
by ragedigital
thatkid wrote:Darrin is just hatin' on the fzr lately. 300 isn't bad. I got one for that in the same type of shape but with a bad front end and built it up and sold it for 1500.
No hate. It's just that the fairings are the most expensive and most difficult to find part of the build. Without them, I would probably pass. To make money on eBay anymore, you have to purchase parts for rock bottom.
Plus, you have no idea if everything is there, if the motor works, if the electronics are there... let's not even consider the nuts and bolts that could be missing. It all adds up.
Nate - you have an advantage of having an FZR warehouse, so you don't count. ha!
Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:36 am
by fzrbrandon
I just thought it was funny because you can sell a stator cover alone for $20 if it's in decent shape.

Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:50 am
by thatkid
fzrbrandon wrote:I just thought it was funny because you can sell a stator cover alone for $20 if it's in decent shape.

20? Those baby's go for almost as much as peanut covers. $50-60 for decent shape.
Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:21 pm
by Mrjtnorwood
It's all in good shape and I plan to fix it up, I just got my other one for 250 like a couple months ago, and now she's running waiting for me to get a motorcycle license.

Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:47 pm
by Mrjtnorwood
So I got it, for a gps and a iPod touch= $300 on a good day. I'll post pics in a sec.
The guy said that it has a stage 7 jet kit on the carbs- can and should I put this on my 1990 fzr 600
It also comes with a set of yoshi headers, he said the can got crushed when it got laid over- should I put these headers on my 1990, and it has a set of k&n pod filters as you'll see in the pics shortly, shouldi replace my air box with these?
My plan is to just fix this second one up to half decent and sell. I'm going to keep my 1990 fzr 600, so I may switch some of the aftermarket parts if it's a good idea. What you guys think?
Also all the fairings are good, but they re ugly flat black, maybe I can paint them?
Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:03 pm
by Mrjtnorwood
Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:06 pm
by Mrjtnorwood
also, the fairings for this one are like a flat black, what would it take to repaint them myself? give details on how to do this. also how about repainting the frame?
Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:07 pm
by Mrjtnorwood
Anyone here think I should out the stage 7 jet kit on my keeper bike, and should I put the k & n filters on my keeper bike?
And any info about painting?
Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:06 am
by pnbell
-Not really sure what a stage 7 kit is...
-Running the K&N will sound cool, and you might get some benefit at the top end of the RPMs; but tuning anything from idle to mid range will be difficult and not likely... (meaning: the bike will likely be really jumpy and feel under powered below 8k rpms)
-Painting is not hard; of course it depends on what you want to do.. If you want to professionally paint it, you'll need the right equipment, paint, and shop with ventilation. *However if you just want it to look good, spray paint used properly works very well. You want to use a hard enamel because it holds up well against Rocks, Sunlight, Rain, and importantly Gas and Oil! This will sound lame, but i've had great experiance with Rustoleum 'stops rust' enamel. Resists everything!
Here is two old photos i found of bikes i had and painted...
(Not the greatest photos, but the glossy red one you could see your reflection in! and no orange peel in either.)
Glossy Red

Matte Flat Black (matte/flat black is impossible to keep clean... everything including water makes it dirty...) Good for a Rat Bike
Basically Sand, Prime, Sand, Paint, Sand, Paint, Paint, DRY, DRY, Wet Sand, Rubbing Compound, Polishing Compound.

-Search how to paint on the internet for real instructions. and most importantly: be consistent, smooth, and take your time
Re: Another new fzr
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:02 pm
by DJStaticX
I'm not expert when it comes to painting but I been doing some lately. I guess the best thing to is if you have a old plastic for the bike practice on it first and see what kind of results you get , cause this is what I did at first. Painting is 95% prep and 5% painting. If your prep work is not good , then your paint will not come out good. There are lots of youtube videos and even searching the internet for tips on how to paint a bike or a car. I recently painted my frame and covers Matte Black and used a Matte Clear coat and did this all with spray cans. I used a self etching primer and rustolem paint. I just bought me a spray gun and I plan on doing a real paint job and not spray can paint job soon. I guess it depends on how much time , effort and money you want to put into painting also.