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Frame was powdercoated now my Abba stand adaptors wont fit
Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:35 pm
by Clanky
Got my frame back from the powdercoaters today and went to fit it to my Abba bike stand but the adaptors that slide into the swing arm recesses wouldn't go in. I figured it was the extra thickness of the paint so I took it back with a Dremel but they still would not fit. I have had to spend some time grinding the frame inside each recess to finally open it enough for the adaptors to go in but its still a tight fit.
What would cause this, its like the frame has changed dimensions

Re: Frame was powdercoated now my Abba stand adaptors wont f
Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:13 pm
by SouthendChris
Its definately the thickness of the powdercoating. It is really thick in places. I have spent this evening scraping it off the swingarm and rear suspension pivot points with a stanley blade or two!
The place that did mine put another coating under the colour coat because ali can degrade sometimes if air cannot get to it. They give a 5year guarentee on their work. My 2010 Suzuki (which does live outside) has powdercoating peeling off the rear wheel already.......
Re: Frame was powdercoated now my Abba stand adaptors wont f
Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:36 pm
by Clanky
Yeah, the paint was very thick with at least two undercoats but even after removing it all back to the base metal the adaptors would not go in. I have literally had to grind more of the frame away and they're still a tight fit (had to tap them in with a mallet). Before the powder coat they went in no problem. This makes no sense at all, I just can't understand how the frame can seemingly change in size.
Re: Frame was powdercoated now my Abba stand adaptors wont f
Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:10 am
by pefrey
Did you talk to the powdercoaters before you started grinding away? Are you sure it's not your stand that changed?
Is this a reputable powder coater because coating aluminum like your frame is a more delicate procedure (lower baking temperature) than steel. Using too high a baking temperature on aluminum will alter (reduce) it's strength, even make it brittle.
Re: Frame was powdercoated now my Abba stand adaptors wont f
Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:30 am
by Clanky
The frame is steel, from a 600, but I see your point with the aluminium frames. This is why I just don't get it, why did the stand fit so well before and is now such a bugger to get into place. Something's changed since the podwercoat process. Just one of those things I guess.
Re: Frame was powdercoated now my Abba stand adaptors wont f
Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 1:58 pm
by pefrey
I don't think that frame in the picture is steel. It looks like from an FZR400 3TJ which is aluminum. Put a magnet to it to be sure.
Re: Re: Frame was powdercoated now my Abba stand adaptors wo
Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 4:58 pm
by Gizzard1533
pefrey wrote:I don't think that frame in the picture is steel. It looks like from an FZR400 3TJ which is aluminum. Put a magnet to it to be sure.
Thats not the frame they're on about.
Have you considered measuring the distance across the frame hole from several different places, i.e. Straight down, across and then a few diagonals. If the measurements are the same. The it could just be the powder coating. If they aint. Then it would of appeared to of warped during powder coating???
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