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Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 9:11 pm
by Murat
I just bought what i believe to be an FZR600 motor to swap in my FZR400. The guy i bought it from didn't know what it was and i'm hoping someone knows more detail about the year FZR600. The motor says 3HE00 599cc. The cv carbs have flat vacuum slides rather than the round ones. The oil filter is a spin on rather than cartridge. Engine and valve covers are silver.
Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:17 am
by sweekster
Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 5:36 am
by yamaha_george
Murat wrote:I just bought what i believe to be an FZR600 motor to swap in my FZR400. The guy i bought it from didn't know what it was and i'm hoping someone knows more detail about the year FZR600. The motor says 3HE00 599cc. The carbs have flat slides rather than the round ones. The oil filter is a spin on rather than cartridge. Engine and valve covers are silver.
Hi have never seen a600 with flat slides so they were added I would say is there amakers stamp on the carbs like Kehin / Mikuni (the two major carb makers of flat slides ) both as a set command some solid money Mikuni were 1200 USD last i saw a set new
As has been said the picture is worth 1K words and a VIN number would help (cannot remember where the actual engine number (not the model number) is stamped
Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 3:20 pm
by reelrazor
Murat wrote:I just bought what i believe to be an FZR600 motor to swap in my FZR400. The guy i bought it from didn't know what it was and i'm hoping someone knows more detail about the year FZR600. The motor says 3HE00 599cc. The carbs have flat slides rather than the round ones. The oil filter is a spin on rather than cartridge. Engine and valve covers are silver.
Now, when you say " the motor says 3HE00 599cc"...are you talking that you see cast rasied lettering that says that?
How about the actual engine type and serial code numbers (stamped into a corrugated flat just inboard of the oil filler cap on the clutch cover -left reaward upper side of engine case)?
Many parts from the 3HE (U.S. FZR600r) run were carried over into later models, so the actual engine type code that is stamped in will tell us for sure what you got.
Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 8:35 pm
by sweekster
As I said earlier we need a picture if possible. Us spec Fzr600 engine have a distinct look. The covers are usually a give away unless they are aftermarket. One way to distinguish a 400 from a 600 is the 400 has a vented stator cover whereas the 600 does not. Also 400s were usually painted black whereas 600s were left in natural alloy. Hope that helps. Providing a pic will help us help more thoroughly though.
Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 10:00 pm
by Murat
The serial number is on the motor is 3HH-052150. 3HE00 599cc is stamped on the cylinders. I did not buy a bike with it so I don't have a VIN but the guy threw in some OEM FZR white rims. The rear rim was an 18x4. I forgot what year they changed the rim width. I think i was mistaken about the flat slides. What i meant to say was that those vacuum operated slides were flat. It is a 600 100%. The cylinders are a bit taller looking than my 400 and the rims that came with the motor have larger front rotors than my 400.
Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 10:11 pm
by Murat
If the white rims are any indication, according to this link it is between 1991 and 1993. I read on the frz archives that the 18x4 rear wheel was introduced in 1991 along with the 4 piston calipers and spin on oil filters.
Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 12:55 am
by yamaha_george
I was under the impression that 3HH was 93+ I have a'92 UK ='91 US model that is 3HE
Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 5:17 pm
by SouthendChris
Isnt 3HH the US (or even just cali) version of the 3HE?? It has more emissions gubbins than a std 3HE. It also has it's own exhaust marked 3HH-XXXXXX.
Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 3:04 am
by Gizzard1533
My engine thats in mine is stamped 3HH-XXXXXX, when we got it me father rang a yamaha dealer and they said that it was a US model engine. Upon fitment though there where little differences between the two other than the spin on oil filter
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Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 7:36 pm
by Murat
I got bored yesterday and swapped it in my 400. I cant seem to get it to crank. The side stand switch and clutch lever switch are bypassed. Oil level light comes on when i attempt to crank it and the neutral light doesn't come on. The starter isn't getting power. The generator is currently not installed. Would that cause it not to crank?
Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:20 pm
by DonTZ125
Make sure your neutral switch is hooked up. Make sure your engine ground wire is connected; the starter motor grounds through the engine IIRC. No ground strap, no circuit.
When you say the "generator is currently not installed", do you mean the rotor or the stator? You can run total-loss without the stator, but your crank pickup teeth are on the rotor - no rotor, no spark.
Re: Need help Identifying 600 motor
Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:13 pm
by Murat
It ended up that the motor was in 5th gear and I had mistaken it for first. I got the generator attached and the motor cranking. Now the next problem is that the carbs will not fit unless I relocate the coils. I guess i should probably start a new thread in the 400 forum.