my new fzr 600
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:42 pm
so i just got a 1990 fzr 600. I had posted a craigslist ad saying that i was looking for a motorcycle or boat to fix up. the guy contacted me and said he had this bike, but was moving and couldnt take it with him. he said that if i came to pick it up and brought a few hundred bucks with me, it would be mine. so i got it for 250 bucks. it has about 20k original miles on it, he cranked it about 6 months ago but hasnt rode it for a year.
as of right now i have taken off the fairings, taken out the battery, taken out the fuel tank and drained it-also removed the fuel filter, i have soaked the chain in liquid wrench chain lube and scrubbed each and every link with a toothbrush, i have drained the oil, taken off the oil filter housing and removed the old filter, and i have taken apart the brake calipers.
i have a new air filter, new oil filter, new fuel filter, and a new oil filler cap( it was dry rotted or something and broke all to pieces) coming in the mail.
once they come in im going to put fresh oil in her with some marvel mystery oil to clean out the engine. im going to fill up the tank with a little sea foam to clean the injectors up, and im going to put her back together.
as far as the brakes im going to go to my friends today and try to get the pistons to come out via air and make sure it all looks good on the inside, then ill get some new brake pads and reinstall those.
the tires look half decent but im going to replace them as well, sitting for a year isnt a great thing for tires in my opinion..
im also planning on redoing the seat with some marine vinyl, there are vids on youtube about this but all the seat pans in the vids are plastic, and this one seems to be fiberglass, so im gonna have to get a pop rivet gun and figure that out too.
this is my first ever bike, ive rode dirt bikes a few times in my life and have always wanted a bike. before i start riding it i plan on taking the motorcycle safety course and ill take it very easy at first. i know that motorcycle are something to be respected, but you must also respect and be mindful of the cars around you. im not an idiot looking for fame and to look cool. i am intrigued by motorcycles designs and capabilities. - i just threw that in to assure you that im not another idiot getting a "crotch rocket" to show off for the ladies, etc.. etc..
just tell me what you guys think, if i should do anything else to it before i get into riding it. i havent even attempted to start it yet, i figured i should get all the filters and such nice a clean first so that it has a fresh start, but it will start, i am confident in that.
as of right now i have taken off the fairings, taken out the battery, taken out the fuel tank and drained it-also removed the fuel filter, i have soaked the chain in liquid wrench chain lube and scrubbed each and every link with a toothbrush, i have drained the oil, taken off the oil filter housing and removed the old filter, and i have taken apart the brake calipers.
i have a new air filter, new oil filter, new fuel filter, and a new oil filler cap( it was dry rotted or something and broke all to pieces) coming in the mail.
once they come in im going to put fresh oil in her with some marvel mystery oil to clean out the engine. im going to fill up the tank with a little sea foam to clean the injectors up, and im going to put her back together.
as far as the brakes im going to go to my friends today and try to get the pistons to come out via air and make sure it all looks good on the inside, then ill get some new brake pads and reinstall those.
the tires look half decent but im going to replace them as well, sitting for a year isnt a great thing for tires in my opinion..
im also planning on redoing the seat with some marine vinyl, there are vids on youtube about this but all the seat pans in the vids are plastic, and this one seems to be fiberglass, so im gonna have to get a pop rivet gun and figure that out too.
this is my first ever bike, ive rode dirt bikes a few times in my life and have always wanted a bike. before i start riding it i plan on taking the motorcycle safety course and ill take it very easy at first. i know that motorcycle are something to be respected, but you must also respect and be mindful of the cars around you. im not an idiot looking for fame and to look cool. i am intrigued by motorcycles designs and capabilities. - i just threw that in to assure you that im not another idiot getting a "crotch rocket" to show off for the ladies, etc.. etc..
just tell me what you guys think, if i should do anything else to it before i get into riding it. i havent even attempted to start it yet, i figured i should get all the filters and such nice a clean first so that it has a fresh start, but it will start, i am confident in that.