Anyone explain this problem??
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:54 am
Right guys and gals as you all know i've been sorting out the fzr and have run into a few teething problems with the bike. I'll explain the things i've changed and then my problem im having, which has got me really confused!!!
Right I rebuilt my engine with my old cylinder head, my old one was naffed at the exhaust ports, so like i said i've replaced this with my old one, the engine runs fine, has good compression.
I haven't touched the carbs nor the airbox as these where both fine when I took the bike off the road.
I've replaced the old mild steel with a new set of stainless downpipes, specially made for the fzr and using the same silencer the bike had before i took it off the road.
I've replaced the fuel filter.
The spark plugs are the same plugs, cleaned and produce a healthy blue spark.
Regulator is a new r6 one, that works as it should.
Theres no cracks in the inlet manifold,
And the airbox attaches to the carbs correctly, not a perfect fit but its an air tight fit.
Now my problem....
So far with the bike on the road, i've pushed it as far as i've rode it. The bike ran fine when i set of it idled lovely, pulled through the gears lovely. Then all of a sudden the bike started to die and cut out. The bike then wouldn't start up again, unless i had the throttle wide open, but even when the bike fired up, it wouldn't run above 500RPM, and as soon as i closed the throttle the slightest touch it cut out. Now I thought this would of been a fuel problem, so I decided to strip the carbs and clean then, admittedly there was some crap in the float bowls and some dirt in the jets, so i cleaned them out and dried the thoroughly, so the carbs are all nice and clean now.
Today i put the carbs back on and got the bike fired back up and running as she did, revved through the range quite happily and idled like a good'un. So i put the air box back on and went for a quick ride, I done a quick lap of my area (about a mile) and then the problem striked again, she just died and wouldn't start up again.
I got the bike running the same way as before, full throttle and it was barely clearing 500RPM. Wild thinking kicked in, and I decided with the engine running, i'm gonna pull off the air box, upon doing the something strange happened, the revs began to build and once the final volocity tube was off (airbox not attached) the revs shot up and the bike ran fine.
I now began to think about the air filter, took it off, the filter is starting to turn grey and is slightly buckled, but i haven't removed/touched the air filter since the bike came off the road as a runner. So i pulled the volocity tubes out from the airbox and attached those to the carbs. The bike started and ran fine. I then decided to slightly cover each tube one after the other. Upon doing this the bike started to bog again, I whipped off the tubes and the bike started to run fine again.
I am now really stumped, I can understand that a blockage would cause it to run rich and starve it off fuel causing it to cut out, but theres no blockages anyway, fuel side or air side. I dont know where to turn, the old man suggested dynoing it to see if that shows up anything else, but with the air box on the bike will more than likely cut out, air box off i wont get the true reading, so i really dont know where to turn, I was thinking that pod filters would of sorted my issue but since the bike bogged with just the tubes on, I got see how the pod filters will solve anything.
I hoping one of you guys will know more about this as i've never come across anything like this before.
Cheers in advance
Right I rebuilt my engine with my old cylinder head, my old one was naffed at the exhaust ports, so like i said i've replaced this with my old one, the engine runs fine, has good compression.
I haven't touched the carbs nor the airbox as these where both fine when I took the bike off the road.
I've replaced the old mild steel with a new set of stainless downpipes, specially made for the fzr and using the same silencer the bike had before i took it off the road.
I've replaced the fuel filter.
The spark plugs are the same plugs, cleaned and produce a healthy blue spark.
Regulator is a new r6 one, that works as it should.
Theres no cracks in the inlet manifold,
And the airbox attaches to the carbs correctly, not a perfect fit but its an air tight fit.
Now my problem....
So far with the bike on the road, i've pushed it as far as i've rode it. The bike ran fine when i set of it idled lovely, pulled through the gears lovely. Then all of a sudden the bike started to die and cut out. The bike then wouldn't start up again, unless i had the throttle wide open, but even when the bike fired up, it wouldn't run above 500RPM, and as soon as i closed the throttle the slightest touch it cut out. Now I thought this would of been a fuel problem, so I decided to strip the carbs and clean then, admittedly there was some crap in the float bowls and some dirt in the jets, so i cleaned them out and dried the thoroughly, so the carbs are all nice and clean now.
Today i put the carbs back on and got the bike fired back up and running as she did, revved through the range quite happily and idled like a good'un. So i put the air box back on and went for a quick ride, I done a quick lap of my area (about a mile) and then the problem striked again, she just died and wouldn't start up again.
I got the bike running the same way as before, full throttle and it was barely clearing 500RPM. Wild thinking kicked in, and I decided with the engine running, i'm gonna pull off the air box, upon doing the something strange happened, the revs began to build and once the final volocity tube was off (airbox not attached) the revs shot up and the bike ran fine.
I now began to think about the air filter, took it off, the filter is starting to turn grey and is slightly buckled, but i haven't removed/touched the air filter since the bike came off the road as a runner. So i pulled the volocity tubes out from the airbox and attached those to the carbs. The bike started and ran fine. I then decided to slightly cover each tube one after the other. Upon doing this the bike started to bog again, I whipped off the tubes and the bike started to run fine again.
I am now really stumped, I can understand that a blockage would cause it to run rich and starve it off fuel causing it to cut out, but theres no blockages anyway, fuel side or air side. I dont know where to turn, the old man suggested dynoing it to see if that shows up anything else, but with the air box on the bike will more than likely cut out, air box off i wont get the true reading, so i really dont know where to turn, I was thinking that pod filters would of sorted my issue but since the bike bogged with just the tubes on, I got see how the pod filters will solve anything.
I hoping one of you guys will know more about this as i've never come across anything like this before.
Cheers in advance