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FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:20 pm
by Nsteerz
Hello All,
My name is Nick and I am from southeastern MI, USA. I purchased my 1994 FZR600R in late March. My first bike was a 92 Yamaha Seca II (XJ600 Diversion) that I had 2 summers ago.
It has approx. 20k miles on it and I picked it up for $1350. It has ran fine thus far, although it does have a sticky starter if you're not careful but it usually starts just fine.
Well, just last week I planned on going for ride and started it and everything seemed normal. However as soon as I got approximately 1/2 mile from my place, it started bogging and almost like it was running on 1 or 2 cylinders (kind of like a moped). It soon stalled out. It would not start right away so I let her sit for a few minutes and then tried again with the choke. It started but I only got out of the parking lot and a tad farther until it died for good and I wouldn't get it restarted. The next day I was able to jump it and ride home, however it stalled again on the way home and a quick jump got her going again.
While I realize this may sound like a battery problem, it was cranking strong (sounded normal) but would not turn over. I went out and tried to figure out what it could've been today and took fairings and airbox off so I could take a good look at the engine and carbs. Carbs we're very clean and the airbox looked brand new. I think it could possibly be the plugs however I am currently without the correct socket for the plugs (I seafoamed the gas recently, however I know it was the correct amount). Additionally, I found what looks to be an additional/aftermarket fuel pump (I think), so it got me thinking this may have gone.
I am excited to become interested and learn all about FZRs on here (I have already browsed for countless hours)....
Pics of the unit
Close Up
Starting a new journey

Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:38 pm
by Nsteerz
My dad called me and said he thinks it could be the magneto. I am unfamiliar with these besides their main function of charging the battery and am unsure where exactly it is located and how to check its condition.
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:08 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
Welcome to the forum nick, I am also an ex seca 2 owner who stepped up to the fzr. Your problem sounds like its fuel related. 90% of problems with these bikes can be solved with a good carb clean. Just because they look clean doesn't mean they are. There's a great thread on here about cleaning carbs, very helpful. As for that fuel pump thing in the picture, its definitely not stock. If I were you I would first check and see if you're getting enough fuel to the carbs. Another thing this could be is a plugged breather in the gas cap, next time it acts up yank the cap and see if it clears up.
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:49 pm
by thatkid
The hose going from the fuel filter to the fuel pump looks like it could be creased. I had this happen to me when I first got my bike and the symptoms were the same. Make sure you have flowing lines first since that's free.
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:44 am
by Nsteerz
Anyone know the symptoms/odds that it could be a clogged can? It's an aftermarket D&D exhaust. Not sure how common of a problem it is but I guess after thinking it over it would probably just turn over and stall out eventually.
Going to look at the fuel lines tomorrrow I suppose.
Also, the line looks I think more bent than it is, I'll try and getter better pics if possible.
I might check the fuel filter tomorrow too. Is there a simple way to see if it's clogged?
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:20 am
by DonTZ125
Nsteerz wrote:My dad called me and said he thinks it could be the magneto. I am unfamiliar with these besides their main function of charging the battery and am unsure where exactly it is located and how to check its condition.
These bikes don't have magnetos, which are an all-in-one combination of a permanent magnet alternator, ignition coil and points - reliable, but not particularly adjustable or suited to high-revving engines. The FZR600 uses several discrete components - a PM alternator, voltage regulator / rectifier, two double-ended ignition coils, and an ignition computer that fires the coils according to a non-linear advance vs rpm map. The alternator rotor has a pattern of bumps that, read by a magnetic sensor, tells the computer the crank position and speed.
From what you've described, I agree with the suggestions of fuel problems.
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:17 am
by Nsteerz
DonTZ125 wrote:Nsteerz wrote:My dad called me and said he thinks it could be the magneto. I am unfamiliar with these besides their main function of charging the battery and am unsure where exactly it is located and how to check its condition.
These bikes don't have magnetos, which are an all-in-one combination of a permanent magnet alternator, ignition coil and points - reliable, but not particularly adjustable or suited to high-revving engines. The FZR600 uses several discrete components - a PM alternator, voltage regulator / rectifier, two double-ended ignition coils, and an ignition computer that fires the coils according to a non-linear advance vs rpm map. The alternator rotor has a pattern of bumps that, read by a magnetic sensor, tells the computer the crank position and speed.
From what you've described, I agree with the suggestions of fuel problems.
Thanks for the great explanation. I planned on doing the VR upgrade eventually, so I might just do that if I can't figure out the fuel problem later.
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:39 am
by 97fzrnoob
You should check out your emulsion tubes in the carbs. If they are egg-shaped, it'll cause your bike to bog and eventually stall from being flooded. I found that out last year when I bought my '97. It ran fine on the test drive but on the way home it bogged and sputtered and stalled.
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:43 am
by SouthendChris
Fuel filter fitted wrong way round?? As that fuel pump is aftermarket, maybe it's designed to run all the time.
The genuine fuel pump on my 250exup turned on for 5 secs when the ignition turned on then cut out. It had an internal fuel pressure sensor which turned it on and off when required. Unfortunately I didn't have my 600 long enough to find out if it was similar
If you didnt get any service history with the bike then it would be prudent to fit a new set of properly gapped spark plugs.
It looks like a nice bike. Good luck with it.
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:05 pm
by Nsteerz
Took some more pictures of the fuel filter--->fuel pump--->fuel rails as best I could. The red hose is from the pump to the rails. I was a able to get it started, however with the choke fully on it was only idling at the normal (approx. 1.2k rpm) and with the choke off it would immediately stall.
So it looks like a fuel problem or something I'm just not too sure what to do about it. I still need to acquire a plug socket wrench and check on those. I doubt this is the main problem, however it still warrants checking for sure.
Sorry for the extreme close-ups, let me know if you have any trouble determining what is what and I'll try my best.
These pictures give a better idea of the angles the lines are at...the one from the pump to the rails is definitely too long, and the one from the filter to the pump is too flexible and bends/creases far too easily.
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:03 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
With the choke on all the way the idle should go up to around 4k after twenty seconds or so. Try cranking in the idle adjuster. Get some clear tubing and attach it to the drain on the carb bowl, sort of hold it up vertical along the bowl and open the drain screw, the gas will flow into the tube and show you your float level. Have someone key the engine on and off to prime the pump (assuming your mystery pump primes) while you do this. Repeat on each carb.
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:12 pm
by DonTZ125
What is the output pressure of that pump? I'm suddenly wondering if its head isn't overwhelming the floats.
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:41 pm
by ramster
DonTZ125 wrote:What is the output pressure of that pump? I'm suddenly wondering if its head isn't overwhelming the floats.
What? a fuel pump has a head now, or did I read that wrong

Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:45 pm
by DonTZ125
Yup - but an experienced mechanic should be familiar with the term "static head", as relates to pumps.
Re: FZR600 Newb needs help with a starting problem...
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:51 pm
by ramster
DonTZ125 wrote:Yup - but an experienced mechanic should be familiar with the term "static head", as relates to pumps.
The only "static head" I know of is when the wife gets a gag reflex