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Maybe it's a stupid question ..... or not

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:52 am
by trifgeorge
Would it be ok to move the engine in the frame to the L/H side to compensate for the sprocket alignment when swapping the rear wheel? I'm talking about removing 2-3 mm from the L/H side engine mount so that it can move to the left and adding those 2-3 mm to the R/H side mount so that it would compensate for the gap.

Re: Maybe it's a stupid question ..... or not

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:22 pm
by reelrazor
They do it on custom harleys quite a lot.

Of course, 'they' dont really care about handling, or balance or anything like that.

I do, I would think 'we' do.

I would look into other options like an offset countershaft sprocket, or even in extreme cases a jackshaft and sprocket setup.