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Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:47 am
by squiggy33slc
Hey Gang,
I have a strange problem.. I was not getting enough power out of my old stator to keep my battery charged and it would slowly drain while riding. I tested this several times, by charging my battery and riding it. After about 2 days, my lights would dim every time I would hit the breaks or honk the horn.. The bike woul also have a hard time getting going froma stop when the batter was low too..
So I got a new stator, put it in and now the bike will not fire over. I checked the new stator at the connectors to make sure it was producing power and it is..

Anyone know if there is timing adjustment or a rest switch that Ihave to hit? I am at a loss.. I have to check the spark at the plugs, but it sounds like it is not gettign any now.

Any comments.. insite would be great..

Oh. It is a 1993 FZR600R.. I have had it for 4 years and alread replaced the regulator once.


Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:03 am
by Stranglerman
You did put it on in the correct posititon. Timing marks lined up at TDC on cylinder 1. This would be the first thing I would check. Not doubting your work but just an idea.

Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:18 pm
by squiggy33slc
I will double check.. this is the first time I have ever done this replacement on bike. I took out the stator and put the new one back in the same position on the cover, so the wholes lined up and slid it back in.
So put cylender 1 in TDC first then bolt the cover back on and that lines up the timeing? Is there anythign else to look for for points to aline? I am not good with the electrical parts yet, still learning.


Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:03 pm
by reelrazor
The timing marks are meaningless as far as the stator is concerned.

You say:
I checked the new stator at the connectors to make sure it was producing power and it is..

Please explain. The stator is a three phase alternator, it MAKES it's own power by being passed by permanent magnets in the flywheel-that's its' entire function. There is NO way to test for output without the engine RUNNING.

Now, the pickup coil that is pieced together with the stator DOES have to do with RUNNING.

Are you sure this is connected?

The pickup coil cannot be mounted wrong enough to throw the timing out so far that the engine won't RUN. It would be hard to even mount it and make the engine run BADLY.

I would suspect that you have a bad pickup coil on the new 'stator' you bought. (which is more properly a 'stator/pickup coil assembly' ).

try putting the old one(stator assembly) back on.

Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:40 pm
by DonTZ125
We had a fellow not so long ago who had this same problem - the unit was from a YZF600, and swapping the pickup wires solved the problem.

Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:30 pm
by delvryboy
Aftermarket? I had to file the pickup down a little, the gap wasn't big enough.

Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:43 pm
by reelrazor
I thionk Don is on the right track here.

A lot of vendors don't differentiate between the FZR600 and the YZF600 parts. Yeah, they 'fit' but that doesn't mean they are plug and play.

Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:17 pm
by ramster
Either a YZF stator and pick up coil, which won't work on an FZR or a duff pick up coil

Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:40 pm
by DonTZ125
Ramster - a YZF stator and pick-up will (IIRC) work - it just needs to be installed correctly. The position of the pickup in the YZF peanut cover is significantly off vs the FZR; that may be what you're thinking about.

Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:47 pm
by ramster
DonTZ125 wrote:Ramster - a YZF stator and pick-up will (IIRC) work - it just needs to be installed correctly. The position of the pickup in the YZF peanut cover is significantly off vs the FZR; that may be what you're thinking about.
Wrong side of the bike my friend. :thumbsup:

The peanut cover houses the starter gears and is on the right hand side of the bike, The Stator cover left side of the bike houses the yes Stator and the pick up coil. From what I've read the timing bumps for a YZF flywheel therefore the pick up coil are in a different position, I could be wrong tho

Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:57 pm
by DonTZ125
Gahhh ... Yes, alternator / generator / timing cover, WTF ever that silly thing is called ... banghead

That clarified, I'll stand by my previous statement - the stator coil and pickup coil can be used on both the YZF and FZR, so long as the pickup wiring is correct (or corrected). You are correct, though, that the rotor tooth / 'bump' patterns are utterly different between the bikes and thus incompatible. The generator covers, while physically interchangeable and a simple bolt-up process, unfortunately have the pickup coils mounted in different spots - and that's just annoying.

Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:10 pm
by ramster
DonTZ125 wrote:Gahhh ... Yes, alternator / generator / timing cover, WTF ever that silly thing is called ... banghead

That clarified, I'll stand by my previous statement - the stator coil and pickup coil can be used on both the YZF and FZR, so long as the pickup wiring is correct (or corrected). You are correct, though, that the rotor tooth / 'bump' patterns are utterly different between the bikes and thus incompatible. The generator covers, while physically interchangeable and a simple bolt-up process, unfortunately have the pickup coils mounted in different spots - and that's just annoying.
Hey Just to clarify the YZF and FZR Stators/pick up coils are the same, and are interchangeable?

I knew the YZF stator covers bolt up to the FZR, but they throw the ignition timing out. That said the OP prolly has a duff pick up coil

Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:21 am
by squiggy33slc
I will check the pick up today and see if the is the problem. Thank you for the tips and I will report back to let you know what happens. I hope it is that. Yes it is an after market one. I got it on Ebay, it is new and it does bolt in really easy. I knew it was to simple to work the first time :)

Thanks again,

Re: Replaced Stator Now Bike will not start

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:26 am
by squiggy33slc
Thanks to everyone.. It was the pick up and the bike runs fine so far :) Thanks again for the help.