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runs rough at 50+ mph

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:16 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
First ride this year, got her out of storage and took her home, idles nice, accelerates like a champ but cruising at speed sputters and misses...changed spark plugs and inspected wires, looks ok. Was thinking maybe the wind was blowing just right on a raw wire and shorting out but can't find anything wrong, played with wires while idling but couldn't reproduce miss. I suspect carbs, maybe pilot circuit but misses at wot at speed too...any thoughts before I begin the dreaded "diagnosis by replacement" process?

Re: runs rough at 50+ mph

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:28 pm
by bokka
hi remove the carbs,clean them and put new fuel its been standing the carbs get shity and petrol is only good for a few months...hope this helps..

Re: runs rough at 50+ mph

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:18 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
I will go over the carbs eventually but this feels ignition related, was hoping someone else had the same issue and could advise me.

Re: runs rough at 50+ mph

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:25 am
by buzzawak
Sounds like the bike is starved of fuel. Start by checking the fuel filter and pump. If you think its a electrical problem do a spark gap test.

Re: runs rough at 50+ mph

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:27 am
by Nik
bokka wrote:hi remove the carbs,clean them and put new fuel its been standing the carbs get shity and petrol is only good for a few months...hope this helps..
+5 on that also water / condensation in the tanks fuel will cause a splutter.I would purge the tank /fuel line /pump/ filter and clean & synch the carbs

If you wanna play with the electrics .enjoy.

Re: runs rough at 50+ mph

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:59 am
by CrazySkullCrusher
Tank was down to reserve when I stored it, thought it was running out of gas at first so I filled it up. The more I think about it, the more I think it might be a fueling issue, leaning towards stuck floats (carbs were leading some gas). Going to pull the carbs, check my float heights and valves, then give then a full douche...oh how I love cleaning carbs....

Re: runs rough at 50+ mph

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:46 pm
by FZRDave91
I would start with the carbs as well. FZR carbs arent that bad to get out, and if you left any fuel in the bowls while it was in storage it probably gelled up and is now clogging a jet/passage somewhere... or like you said has crudded up a float needle and needs to be cleaned. You will be happy you cleaned them in the long run. You should see what was in my carbs when I got my FZR... it looked like a pile of fish eggs in each one.

Re: runs rough at 50+ mph

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:41 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
OK, so after pulling the carbs and hosing 2 cans of carb cleaner and a bunch of compressed air through them including taking out the pilot air screws and spraying the passages out I have p pretty good running bike. She still idles a little rough and stumbles a bit at what I can only describe as tiny throttle, but I'm sure it needs a vacuum sync. Still pulls really good through the rest of the throttle and its pretty easy to wheelie. Got new bt 14's and fresh paint on my r1 body kit, got my clear alternatives taillight today and it turned out to be just a clear lens, thanks Ebay. Going to switch up the lens and get some red LED 1157 bulbs. My only issue now is that for whatever reason the r1 upper fairing headlight holes are father apart than stock. To remedy this the PO Jerry rigged some car fog lights into it, and not only are they not acceptable as headlights but the pair of them draw too much power so I can only run one, also no high beam. Need to find a pair of lights that will take an h4 bulb so I can go back to somewhat stock lighting. Here's a pic of how pretty she its in her new blue paint.


Re: runs rough at 50+ mph

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:36 pm
by bokka
hi crazyskullcrusher,can ya tell me how you fitted the r1 rear end,did you chop the sumb frame and replace it ? cheers...

Re: runs rough at 50+ mph

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:59 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
I didn't fit it, out was on the bike when I bought it. I would not recommend it though, doesn't fit real good and the paint constantly cracks from being stressed and twisted because it want fitted to the bike correctly. Maybe whoever put mine on was a moron, maybe you will have better luck. Also you have to re locate the coolant overflow.