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vr problems???
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:33 am
by fzr kev
my battery was being over charged,so changed the vr,started the bike and the vr started smoking soon as i hit the throttle so now that one's blown aswell,has any one got any ideas whats causing this???
Re: vr problems???
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:20 am
by Gizzard1533
Id be tempted to look further into the problem and start testing your alternator. Have you dont the R6 vr upgrade?
Re: vr problems???
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:21 am
by fzr kev
no r6 upgrade as of yet,how do i test the alternator??funds are a bit tight at the minute.
Re: vr problems???
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:24 am
by M in KC
Check the Wiki for electrical trouble shooting for the alternator testing. There should be oodles and gobs of VR upgrade info there as well.
Was the replacement vr a new unit or a previously loved unit? Was it grounded properly upon installation? Since you need a new VR any way, you might as take the plunge when your budget allows and buy an R6 type or the '95 or older FZR 600 style VR (all the same). It will probably set you back about $100. If your vr connector is destroyed I think DonTZ250 (Don forgive me if I butchered your screen name) is making a plug and play adapter or you can use fully insulated spade connectors to mount the new VR.
Re: vr problems???
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:50 am
by DonTZ125
125. DonTZ125. Not that hard ...
Kev - it sounds like you either got a piece of junk VR (if it was an EBay knock-off, get your money back if you can) or there was a problem with the installation. If either the +ve or -ve wire isn't properly attached (and bad grounding is why most of these things die), then the VRR goes wide open trying to maintain ~14vdc across ... well, nothing, and slags itself in the process. You're lucky it didn't kill other things in the process.
As KMC noted, I do sell adaptors to make this painless, both a full adaptor that you simply plug into your existing connector and a splice-in unit if you're handy with a soldering iron. You CAN use crimp-on insulated terminals (0.250"), just be REAL careful the crimps are tight and you don't short anything out putting it together!
Re: vr problems???
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:48 am
by lawmer
Did you buy the newer finned after market 4 pin VRR? if so they are worse than a used 4 pin OEM product.
The actual fault on both 4 pins VRR's is the internal ground, ITS A DAMN INTERNAL PHILLIPS SCREW
Do yourself a favour and upgrade to the safer 5 or 6 pin VRR mentioned earlier, otherwise well you WILL start burning out expensive electrical equipment. It has been known that a 4 pin VRR has burnt out almost every component costing around $800 thats around £600.
I'm not using scare tactics, just stating facts.