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Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:32 pm
by nortstudio
Hey folks,

I sorta posted this on the tail end of a thread about digital dashes, but realized it is independent of that issue, and I might miss some valuable eyes.

I need to know the procedure for wiring up LEDs for the idiot lights. I read the WIKI, and I am now more confused than I was before...

HERE'S what I have:

4 LEDs from Radio Shack with resistors build in.
All lights work if hooked directly to 12v source, so I know the bulbs are all firing.


If I have a LITTLE of the WIKI correct, I need to solder 2 diodes to the blinker wires coming from the harnes (to both the DARK GREEN & BROWN wires).
Then tie the diodes together.
The combined diodes go to the positive on the turn signal LED.
The negative from the LED gets spliced to ground (black from high beam indicator was suggested).

ALL OTHER INDICATORS (oil, high beam, neutral):

Do these need diodes as well? Without diodes, I was not able to get any of the bulbs to light, except for when I was hooking them directly to the battery for testing. So I am assuming these need the diodes as well.

Thanks for any advice...


Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:46 pm
by sonny86504
When you tried to wire up to neutral light, what ground did you use? A brown wire or a black wire?

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Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:04 pm
by nortstudio
Honestly, I can't recall. I got so lost down the rabbit hole of the turn signals that I will need to look at it again tomorrow.

Should I need diodes for the other lights? Or just the turn signals?

I think the way mine was laid out was there was a dark brown in the one molex connector, and I tried to tie the neutral into that. It looked like the color wiring diagram was showing the oil and neutral light tied into a common brown. I got a little confused on what was ground. I figured the brown might be a loop ground within the gauges.

But the other connector had a lighter brown wire coming from it (so close in color after all these years - chocolate perhaps??). Not sure what that was for. That's where my head started to spin :)

Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:26 pm
by sonny86504
Not sure about turn signals, think it depends on what kind of turn signal bulb your using. But for neutral light and oil pressure light, you shouldn't need any diodes. Hope that mars sense.

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Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:43 pm
by nortstudio
Thanks. Did you tie the oil and neutral into a common brown wire?

Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:11 am
by cowboi
Wire up your turns normal and go to the parts store and pick up a led flasher. Unlike your standard flasher you have that uses higher watts the leds operate on .5 to 3.0 watts so you will get a fast flash if you are useing a standard flasher. You can pick up a led flasher for less then $15.00. And the oil, turn, high beam just wire them straight in to as your leds have the built-in resistor.

Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:11 am
by nortstudio
I don't mind the fast flash for now, they were working that way before. I'll get the LED flasher when I get them to flash! :)

I just need to figure out this diode deal and I should be all set.

Not sure why I wasn't getting any lights on the other 3 - but I'll be checking first thing this morning.

Thanks for the help. I'll let you know how it goes.

Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:46 am
by sonny86504
You need to hook up positive side of led to brown wire, and negative to light blue wire, and black/red wire for oil light. Let me know if that works for you.

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Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:59 am
by nortstudio
Sorry, just to clarify:

Positive for BOTH oil and Neutral go to brown wire? And the negatives go to the respective light blue and black/red?

The red arrow in the photo shows the common brown that has me confused. Sorry for the dumb questions...but this electrical stuff has me flummoxed! banghead


Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:24 am
by sonny86504
Yes, that is correct...

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Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:28 am
by nortstudio
Rocking! Got down to garage after I posted that, and one of the things that was throwing me off was that the black/red wire is not giving good ground. Ugh! Might just tie that negative from the bulb to a fresh ground - where I ran the ground for the RPM wire.

Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:07 am
by nortstudio

I figured it all out. I tried some rectifier diodes I had - and got the turn signal indicator to work. Now I just need to solder it in solid. Shrink wrap etc.

Can anyone point me in the direction of the "relay" that is listed on the color diagram? That's where the black/red wire goes, which is my only issue left. Seems to be a bad connection.

I really appreciate all your help folks!

Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:01 pm
by sonny86504
So did you get the oil light to work? You can't just use any ground because when it grounds out, for example, when gear is put on neutral it gives the power source a place to go, hence lighting the bulb. If you need better explanation I could try explain over the phone? Hopefully you get it worked out.

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Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:17 pm
by nortstudio
I got the oil light to work (light up) - but then killed the battery :). So I can't start it to see if it goes out once running :)

I started to realize that it probably needs to go to the relay - so I need to track down where the problem is. I'm now not remembering whether it worked before. I honestly can recall.

Found it!!!!!? Under left rear fairing. I'll check for funky buildup and see if I can't get continuity. I need this last thing fixed, and then of course the battery charged !

Appreciate it.

Re: Need help with LED idicator bulb conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:14 pm
by nortstudio
Everything is working except the oil light. Thanks for all the input guys.

I tested continuity from the black/red wire at the harness in front to the end at the relay. Continuity was fine. But still not working. Not sure of any other test to do. Is it possible that one pin could go bad in a relay? It looks fine physically. EBay shows them pretty pricey. And no guarantee its in good working order - especially since mine looks perfect too.