time for the rebuild
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:05 pm
so as i sit here and ponder i figure i need to get three more years out of the fzr before my midlife crisis (when i hit 40) and get an r1 so as it sits here is my long list of shit to do 1. fix leaking fork seals and upgrade front springs plus swap over to the nicer looking lower fork tubes i have 2.clutch cable 3.install not dented rear swingarm 4.get the r6 shock to upgrade the rear suspension 4.valve adjustment 5.new clutch 6.pull engine and fix second gear issue 7.wirebrush frame and primer it and rattle can it im not powdercoating gonna paint the plastics and scrounge for a chrome header pipe and a new slipon next year guess thats my list so heres a few questions whats a good clutch to buy im not drag racing it. where whould u buy transmission and clutch parts and what type of paint should i use on the frame let me know fellas thanks