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Strange noise...speedo cable?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:14 pm
by nortstudio
Hey folks,

I rode the bike for a 30 mile ride to my holiday destination last weekend. Upon arrival, when I slowed enough to hear over the engine noise, I noticed a horrible sound which stopped when the bike did. I'd try to describe it, but it's almost impossible in text. Best attempt: mid to higher pitched sound. It happened fairly regular - but would stop completely every time I came to a stop.

My first impression was that it was the speedo cable. I've had this happen in very cold weather with another bike, which eventually went away completely when the weather turned warmer. The temp last weekend was about 35 degrees (f).

But after reading a recent post, I saw mention of a sound that indicated bad wheel bearings. I'm wondering if there is any way to tell that the bearings are bad. My plan is to see if the sound happens tomorrow, and if so, to disconnect the speedo cable and see if that does it.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Re: Strange noise...speedo cable?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:49 am
by sweekster
The trans has been known to have a whine to it-which, of course, stops when the bike stops.


Re: Strange noise...speedo cable?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:27 am
by nortstudio
That would of course be even worse that bad wheel bearings.

Any quick tips for checking that trans problem?

Re: Strange noise...speedo cable?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:35 am
by kilika2
Two things. Have you recently changed the chain and sprockets? They whine for a bit. Or 2 a way to check what Duane said, do you have a stand you could put it on and put it in gear? BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL DOING THIS. I suggest having someone on the bike with hands on the brake, clutch, and kill switch. But tranny whine is a bit normal too.


Re: Strange noise...speedo cable?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:58 am
by nortstudio
I have not changed the chain yet - but I plan on getting a new set all around soon.

I do har a way to get it up on a stand - and can definitely have someone assist for safety. What am I looking for?

Thanks for the responses.


Re: Strange noise...speedo cable?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:46 am
by kilika2
With it up on the stand you would be able to tell if it is the tranny. You could at least hear around on the bike. And the speedo cable won't be moving so if you still hear the noise when it's on the stand you know that's not the problem.


Re: Strange noise...speedo cable?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:30 am
by nortstudio
Gotcha. This sounds like a good plan. I rode quite a bit yesterday, all short spurts - in warmer weather, and heard none of the horrible noise.

Still hoping its the speedo cable. I left it hooked up to see if I would hear the sound again, but it was absent on all my short trips.

Need to narrow down whether this is temp or longer ride related as well.

Thanks for the help.