Una duda sobre el refrigerante.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:38 pm
Saludos, a todos. Bueno la cuestión es que mi FZR 600 GEN. 92, después de dos años parada, he decidido volverla a usar y al quitar el tapón de llenado del líquido que refrigera el motor, éste, se desborda por la boca.
¿A qué puede ser debido?. La moto fue arrancada en su día y el refrigerante puesto nuevo. Como siempre gracias y cuidarse fuera.
Greetings, all. Well the issue is that my FZR 600 gene. 92, after two years of no use, I have decided to return it to use and removed the coolant cap, it overflows through the mouth. What may be causing?. The motorbike was started(pulled up) in due time and the refrigerant made new. As always thanks and be careful outside.
(That's as good as the Google translator could do - rage)

Greetings, all. Well the issue is that my FZR 600 gene. 92, after two years of no use, I have decided to return it to use and removed the coolant cap, it overflows through the mouth. What may be causing?. The motorbike was started(pulled up) in due time and the refrigerant made new. As always thanks and be careful outside.
(That's as good as the Google translator could do - rage)