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new noise
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:15 pm
by cowboi
OK guys and lady's, i changed my front wheel bearing because i herd a noise that sounded like a bearing, BUT .... the noise is still there. im thinking either warped rotor or pads catching somehow not real sure.At 55mph it seams like a catching noise every 1.5 sec but i was hoping that someone may have been through this before and could shed some light on the subject.
and its my 96 FZR600. Thanks in advance , Brandon
Re: new noise
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:36 pm
by DonTZ125
No way it's a bearing, rotor or pad at that frequency. I'd say you've got a frozen chain link.
Re: new noise
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:18 pm
by cowboi
DonTZ125 wrote:No way it's a bearing, rotor or pad at that frequency. I'd say you've got a frozen chain link.
Don , that never even crossed my mind. Ill stick it on the stand tomorrow and see. Thanks
Re: new noise
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:25 am
by cowboi
don, i cleaned and re coated each link and it was ok. nothing sticking and chain was really flexible even the o-rings looked good.
the noise is still there. going to put my cam on the bike today and see if i can record the noise. i will place it in a few different spots and maybe i can pinpoint the noise better.
Re: new noise
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:48 am
by Gizzard1533
Hi mate, is there any obvious signs of defects on the tyres? If the noise lnly apprenant at 55mph? or is its audiable at say 30mph just longer gaps between each noise?
Re: new noise
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:56 pm
by reelrazor
Umm, just a thought....
Every 1.5's not rotational(tire/wheel/chain)... if that were the case it would start slow and become very fast by 55mph
How's your speedo drive cable?
Re: new noise
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:52 pm
by cowboi
Gizzard1533 wrote:Hi mate, is there any obvious signs of defects on the tires? If the noise only apparent at 55mph? or is its audible at say 30mph just longer gaps between each noise?
ordered tires from kneedraggers and the tires look smooth , cant see any bad spots on them. as for noise i just used 55mph as a reference . the faster you go the quicker the noise is.
Re: new noise
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:56 pm
by cowboi
reelrazor wrote:How's your speedo drive cable?
lubed it with speedo grease about 2 months ago and the plates on the wheel looked good when i changed the tires and fit right back in but sense the noise (and changing bearings) its been back out and cleaned and reassembled. i think i have one video with decent sound and ill upload it and maybe it will help y'all . thanks
Re: new noise
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:14 pm
by yamarossi46
Saludos, por si es de ayuda. Varias cosas, pastillas, aunque parezcan bien pueden estar alguna como vidrio y al rozar en sus frenos, supongo que los delanteros son flotantes, chillan. Si la cadena esta bien engrasada como dice, no debe chillar. Rodamientos, si alguno le entró agua, puede estar oxidado, pero pasa de chillido a vibración y rotura. Algunas manetas, embrague, o freno o cambio, cogen holgura con el uso y a cierta velocidad vibran y pueden hacer ruido, engrasar palancas. Tornillo o tuerca suelta, sobre todo de la matrícula, se aflojan mucho. Alguna arandela del carenado floja baila. Algún muelle flojo o suelto. Araña de carenado. Relojes. Hacer una inspección general a toda la tornillería y ver. Varilla de embrague y bola muy desgastadas chillan. Contrapesos del manillar. Espejos. Se me olvida algo seguro. Suerte.
Re: new noise
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:18 pm
by yamarossi46
Ah¡ Algún rodamiento interno del motor.
Re: new noise
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:09 pm
by cowboi
figured it out,.... put new pads on the front and no more noise. very strange cause there was about 1/4 left on the pads but new ones fixed it.