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Clutch issue...i think
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:31 pm
by neeko
My clutch case was really loose on all the bolts so i tightened them up. Now, when I put it into gear the bike dies. When I initially did this the bike ever so slightly would move an inch forward starting in any gear. I know second gear is on its way out because it has the weird whining sound.
If someone can tell me where the kickstand and neutral switch are I can take a look at that but I haven't really found pictures of their location. I also read there was some bolt on the clutch cover that you can play with. Where is that?
Any other ideas?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Re: Clutch issue...i think
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:56 pm
by Fizzinatorr
Make sure the kickstand is up when you drop it into gear, there are 2 plastic adjustors on the kickstand switch you can trace back if you follow the kickstand up to the frame, you will see a spring near it
Re: Clutch issue...i think
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:30 am
by DonTZ125
The clutch adjuster is under the rubber plug in the SPROCKET cover, not clutch cover.
Re: Clutch issue...i think
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:00 am
by lamer
Pull the Clutch in (kickstand up), engage a gear first will do. If the bike (engine) dies the kickstand switch could be faulty.
EDIT: wait what my bad
Engine OFF. Kickstand up, engage a gear, pull the clutch lever in, hit the start button. If the engine tumbles the kickstand switch is fine.
That said if it was your neutral switch @ fault the engine would not tumble nor start when out of gear (in Neutral)
Re: Clutch issue...i think
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:02 pm
by neeko
ok so i can pop it into second gear from neutral. I think my clutch or gears are gone. the bike will move about an inch forward when i put it into gear and that is it. i think i can rule out kickstand and neutral switch.
Re: Clutch issue...i think
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:27 am
by lamer
Have you adjusted the clutch correctly? if not here goes (well an attempt)
At the clutch lever back off the thumb wheel, adjust (screw the other bit in) so the lever has lots of play.
Now at the sprocket cover left side of the bike near the chain (you call it the clutch cover, it's not) as metioned theres a big rubber grommet (plug) remove it. There you will find a 12mm nut securing a grub screw. loosen the nut, BACK off the grub screw.
Tighten the grub screw until it slighty bottoms, back it out 1/4 turn, tighten the 12mm nut. Now adjust the clutch lever so there is around 2mm of play. JOB done.
Re: Clutch issue...i think
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:53 pm
by neeko
Wow. Thank you for that description. took me about 3 times going back and reading the directions to figure out what I was looking at. Thank you so much lamer and Dontz.
If anyone happens to come into this thread later on...if you dont know the terminology like me, pull up google images and you will find what all these things look like. Also the first time I turned that 12mm bolt I wrenched on it hard enough that I thought I broke something in there. thankfully I didnt but it took a good pull.
Thank all again!!!
Re: Clutch issue...i think
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:07 am
by lamer
neeko wrote:Wow. Thank you for that description. took me about 3 times going back and reading the directions to figure out what I was looking at. Thank you so much lamer and Dontz.
If anyone happens to come into this thread later on...if you dont know the terminology like me, pull up google images and you will find what all these things look like. Also the first time I turned that 12mm bolt I wrenched on it hard enough that I thought I broke something in there. thankfully I didnt but it took a good pull.
Thank all again!!!
Hey a simple fix makes me smile so wide

That's what forums are all about. Thank you SIR for the gratitude. happy riding and stay safe