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Front wheel bearings

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:51 pm
by cowboi
ok, Ive looked in the wiki and searched the board and google with no luck. i cant figure out how to get the wheel bearings out of my 96 fzr. i cant to use a bearing puller as both bearings are pressed to the spacer shaft so it wont hook on. cant drive them out with brass punch because of no lip to make contact with so now im asking for help. ....... HELP!!!!! thanks in advance , brandon

Re: Front wheel bearings

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:56 pm
by _Will_

here's my experience with it, I was able to get a small lip on the edge of the bearing and knocked them out from the other side.

If you haven't taken your wheel off before you'll see the speedo drive clutch in there, you need to make sure it lines up with the speedometer piece the cable goes into or you'll bend/snap off the tabs and have no speedometer.

Re: Front wheel bearings

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:51 pm
by cowboi
thanks, will . ill try again , its funny how all this happened . i deiced to try out the bridge stone BT16's and took the wheels off and carried them to be mounted and balanced . brought them back and put them on with no noise on test run. the next morning on the way to work is when i herd the grinding/roaring noise .

Re: Front wheel bearings

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:41 am
by taggy
you can knock the bearing spacer to one side in the front, it should be a tube that stops the bearings going in too far.
give the tube between the bearings a tap with a drift and it 'should' move slightly to one side to give you something to drift the bearing out.

Re: Front wheel bearings

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:52 pm
by racerd14666
k and l sells the correct tool for the job for about $40 my cost for the set of them