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Insurance quotes

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:02 pm
by nortstudio
I just picked up my first FZR600, a 1993. I contacted my insurance agent who covers me now through Progressive (1976 CB550K) and got an astronomical quote. I realized a sport bike would be quite a bit more, but with the age of the thing, I expected less than I heard.

Then I went on to the Geico website, and their prices were more in line with what I expected.

It seems that when I did the Geico quote, I just plugged in the model and year - which they had in the drop down menu, leading me to believe that they knew the bike specifically. The agent mentioned the "high performance" bit, I am assuming because the "R" attached to the model???

What is your experience?


Re: Insurance quotes

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:15 pm
by thatkid
With comprehensive through progressive they cover the value of my bike plus 3k in aftermarket accessories I've done. I pay $250 year.

Re: Insurance quotes

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:19 pm
by nortstudio
I would think Chicago would be more similar to NYC - but that's way off from what I got from my progressive Agent. maybe it's just the amount they are putting on top for agent profit?

Looks like Geico is the way to go...

Re: Insurance quotes

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:43 am
by racerd14666
if you have another address i would use it, my buddy pays almost 400 less a year from using a bronx address to a flushing adress thru the same company

Re: Insurance quotes

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:49 am
by nortstudio
racerd14666 wrote:if you have another address i would use it, my buddy pays almost 400 less a year from using a bronx address to a flushing adress thru the same company
Damn! That's pretty significant. I don't have another address to use. Will have to deal with geico.

Re: Insurance quotes

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:04 pm
by ranmafan
nortstudio wrote: What is your experience?
Pretty much the same thing over here. Keep shopping around.

Some companies still lump it together with modern "supersports" (as opposed to "sport touring"). I realize they are trying to discriminate based on the audience that is likely to buy these... but the fact that it costs several times more to insure an earlier ZX6 than a later ZZR (exactly the same bike, different label) is still BS.

Others have more reasonable policies, though. I ended up insuring my fizzer through Meloche Monnex (they do group policies for certain university graduates, professional groups, etc.) for ~$250 a year, theft included. When I told the number to the previous agent, he more or less laughed me out....

Re: Insurance quotes

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:25 pm
by kilika2
I have state farm. 250 deductable. And full coverage. 177 a year. I called and told geico everything in my policy except the premium I pay and it was over 630 a year.


Re: Insurance quotes

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:10 am
by cad600
Insurance will vary company to company based on were you live, your driving record, and how many they insure near you (including payout). I was with Geico and would check periodically with Progressive to compare rates. Progressive was always $600 more per year. But when Geico jacked up my rate for no reason, I started shopping around. I found an insurance broker and Haven't been happier. They changed the company for me and saved me $100 for the same coverage the first year, then changed companies again and got me better coverage for $20 less the next year. Got with Dairyland Insurance and my rate was around $170 for the year with medium level full coverage and they cover up to $6k of accessories without notice of what they are.

Re: Insurance quotes

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:16 am
by nortstudio
Thanks for all the tips folks. I will continue to shop around. I feel foolish that I stuck with the original agent for my 2 bikes now. What a waste!

Re: Insurance quotes

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:04 pm
by thatkid
Also, if you have a car, try and keep them together to get the multi-policy discount.

Re: Insurance quotes

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:06 pm
by nortstudio
Ended up with dairyland for a huge savings.

Thanks guys.

Re: Insurance quotes

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:11 am
by cowboi
I was with progressive for several years and decided to shop around. Found a off the wall guy that sold insurance. My plan ( full coverage all bikes, 96 fzr600, 07 r6, 05 vtx 1800, 78 honda 750 ) went from $900.00 a year to $420.00 and he put me right back through progressive. Not sure how it works but it seems that that little company's can get you a better deal.