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Couple quick Newbie Questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:00 am
by nortstudio
Hey folks. I have been devouring the forum these past weeks, reading up on all the things to look out for when buying one of your beautiful FZR600's. Despite this forum being a wealth of knowledge, I still have a couple questions, before pulling the trigger on an FZR.

1. I am wondering if these bikes have carb issues in the cold? I live in NYC, and ride all year long. Although it's not Canada, we got hammered with a pretty cold winter last year, and I am wondering if this would be an issue.

2. I am looking at 2 bikes, one a 1993, the other a '98. It seems from my reading here, that there are very few differences (if any) between the two. Wondering if there is any advantage to an older bike with less mileage, than a newer bike with more mileage. Neither are "high" mileage (the one has about 13,000) - so if there were any advantage such as better suspension etc, I would opt for the newer one.

3. Anything else I should look for - besides the basics of a used bike, and the well thought out tips I have read here?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Couple quick Newbie Questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:36 am
by DonTZ125
The FZRs are fairly cold-blooded, and may need re-jetting according to the season.

There was no suspension difference that I can recall throughout the years. The only difference that springs to mind between a '93 and '98 is the improved voltage regulator on the later model. The earlier VRR is an electrical repair waiting to happen, so you might take that into account.

Re: Couple quick Newbie Questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:38 am
by kilika2
1. Almost all carb bikes have problems with cold. Atmospheric pressure and humidity effect the fuel mixture. However after warm up my bike runs better the closer we get to December. Just make sure the choke is good and you keep a well charged battery.

2. The bikes are essentially the same with the exception of pre 95 have the inferior "candy bar" style VR. If it came down to it and the looked identical. With the exception of 1-5k miles I would choose the 98. See if both sellers have service records too.

3. Service records. And check the fork seals and brake lines. Look for upgraded stainless steel braided lines.

Happy hunting.


Re: Couple quick Newbie Questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:38 am
by kilika2
Dang don beat me. Haha

Re: Couple quick Newbie Questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:54 am
by DonTZ125
kilika2 wrote:Dang don beat me. Haha
after warm up my bike runs better the closer we get to December
Sounds like you're over-jetted for summer running, and could stand to back off your mains 2-3 sizes during the hot months.

Re: Couple quick Newbie Questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:12 pm
by nortstudio
Thanks guys. The 2 bikes are less than 5k miles from each other. Also, the newer one is cosmetically closer to what I'd want. The VR would be a plus - so I don't have to swap it myself.

The 1976 CB550 I ride now is better in the cold, more for the air cooled than the carbs I suppose. I guess I'm also concerned about the other, more modern components of te bike being effected by cold (radiator, etc).

Seems like I would be fine either way.

Appreciate all the help.

Re: Couple quick Newbie Questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:14 pm
by DonTZ125
Make sure you have a good coolant, properly mixed. Few things are more annoying than finding out your weak coolant mix has frozen solid, cracking your block and turning your rad into a piece of modern art.

Re: Couple quick Newbie Questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:21 pm
by nortstudio
I read a post about coolant mixtures, but it seemed opinions were as diverse as an "best oil" debate :)

Re: Couple quick Newbie Questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:24 pm
by DonTZ125
Heh. Yeah, the blood gets ankle-deep on those, doesn't it? Just choose a decent anti-freeze rated to -40 and meant for aluminum engines. Buy pre-mix; for the amount you use, the savings vs concentrate don't balance the annoyance of mixing.

Re: Couple quick Newbie Questions...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:32 pm
by nortstudio
GooD point.