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Bike won't Crank

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:51 pm
by Cursed94FZR600
So i got the bike out and it started right up, I was cleaning out the garage while letting it idle. then all of the sudden, the bike shut off. Tried to restart the bike but it won't crank. I checked all of the fuses and the ignition one was blown, so i replaced it. Then i tried to restart the bike and it didn't crank.

Some more info, all of the electrical stuff seem to be operational. headlights were on, turn signals work. I've gone through everything i know about the bike and no bueno.

I was going to try directly feeding the starter to see if it will catch. Good/bad idea?

Any help you can offer would be appreciated

Re: Bike won't Crank

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:52 pm
by yamaha_george
I would be looking to see why the fuse blew whilst the bike was un-attended and work from there rather than trying to by-pass anything at this stage.

There is a trouble shooting electrics how-to in the WIKI that should be the first port of call for guidance as to what/where to look.