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Road test Failed

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:59 pm
by gt5094stang
Long story short i just Put my bike back together from painting and redoin some stuff on a bike i just purchased. I have been drivin the bike around the parking lot and never realy took it on a long ride. Well today i finaly got to take it on a nice ride until after 15mn of riding after the bike got to operating temps. The bike stem got stiff and felt like i was unable to control the bike. Parked the bike and let it cool down and drove it again everything was fine until again when operating temps hit the steering felt stiff. Called a few shops and they all said the same thing that my stem bearings are shot and with the heat and metal expanding thats the effect i get.

Question i have is i am mechanicaly inclined so how hard and what precautions should i take in replacing the bearings?

Re: Road test Failed

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:18 pm
by thatkid
Top bearing is no issue. Bottom bearing is pressed onto the stem and isn't the easiest to get off. You work at a shop though so you should have all the tools. Just use a press to put the new bearing on, lube and tighten back down. Pretty straight forward.

Re: Road test Failed

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:07 pm
by gt5094stang
Alright Just took the bike on a 2 hr test drive. At times the steering wheel felt stiffer but not like it was before. IT is a little cooler out side but i dont think its cool enough to have that much of an affect on heat towards the stem bearings. I am new to bikes so it might just be me and tryin to get use to different road conditions but for some reason it just doesn't feel right to me.

Does anyone have the same issue after a while of driving the bike seems stiffer Or is it rider error??????any help or explanation will be greatly appreciated

And i'll post it first for you guys lol yes im a Noob lol

Re: Road test Failed

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:49 pm
by sweekster
Could you elaborate on the stiffness? Is it happening during straight on riding or in turns? If in turns, is it both directions or just one?

Re: Road test Failed

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:26 pm
by gt5094stang
It happens on and off goin straight, turns and in both directions. I think i may have a conclusion to my problem. Drove the bike today to work and I noticed an awkward noise while stopping. The noise grew gradualy as i slowed down to a stop and went away when brakes were applied and i let off the brakes the noise came back again. SO to confirm the same symptom i drove it into work and slowed down and again the noise was there and went away when brakes were applied. My guess which i'm strongly leaning toward is that my front brake calipers are goin bad and may be sticking.

Can this cause the problem that i have been having ???

Re: Road test Failed

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:12 pm
by gt5094stang
What are the symptoms of Brake Drag? I tred lookin online for some sign but they all lead to cruiser forums and cleaning the calipers and stuff like that. I would like to actualy know while riding the bike what happens???

Road test Failed

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:59 pm
by _Will_
A sticking caliper makes you have to run your engine harder than you normally would to obtain the same speeds. My rear stuck and got glowing red hot so depending on your severity that's one thing to check, a heat gun would prove invaluable as well. As for your original problem let's try a few things.

You're saying it happens once the bike gets hot from riding around and it caused by a raise in temperature (per the shop). Have you tried just running the bike in the shop and letting it get to operating temp and seeing if the symptoms show then as well?

I ask because problems can be difficult to articulate online and everything is relative. If it is just reluctant to turn into a corner I'd check your air pressure first, even if they visually look fine it can be low enough to make the bike turn slow. Does the bike have a damper fixed to it anywhere? That could certainly affect the way the bike handles. I haven't had one myself but can easily see one that's out of whack causing havoc.

let us know what you do find and the solution, it's helpful for other owners to learn as well

Road test Failed

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:02 pm
by _Will_
Also, the front brakes do a lot more work than read. Even more so than on a car, so expect a difference in temp between the front and read calipers. Maybe someone with experience in the readings will chime in as I don't know any specific numbers. I don't think the brakes are going to cause your steering problem, doesn't mean they don't have an issue and they may just be noisy pads. I just don't expect them to be related

Re: Road test Failed

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:18 am
by gt5094stang
Well i know i mentioned that the symptom happened once lately but even before i tooke the bike apart this happened........I do have 1 fork seal that is leakin pretty bad but to my knowledge this should only have an affect on suspension and not turning capability.

I'll try what you said Will about getting it hot and checking it that way.....This week i may take the stem/neck apart and regrease or even replace the bearings

Re: Road test Failed

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:59 pm
by gt5094stang
Well i finally think i solved my problems with my steering issue. I took my front end apart and then took a look at my steering stem. It felt realy rough and didn't want to move smoothly. Took the neck apart and found that there was no grease and if there was it was all gunked up and dried up. The bearings didn't move at all unless you put alot of effort and the other bearing was somewhat greased and rolled around but wasnt to smooth like it should be. Gonna take it into work and clean the bearings realy good in the parts washer and repack them with good grease.

Question i have is how tight should i tighten the top nut. I know i have to tighten it and back off it a little but how tight should it be???

Any recomendations or precautions in doing this job????

Re: Road test Failed

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:43 am
by 97fzrnoob
Just a suggestion, you may want to replace your front wheel bearings since your already tearing it down. Had an issue with my steering and a weird clicking noise and it was the wheel bearings were shot to the point of almost seizing.

Re: Road test Failed

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:01 pm
by gt5094stang
i think my wheel bearings are fine right now.....i have no play and the bearings spin nice and smooth. thanx for the heads up though

Re: Road test Failed

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:14 pm
by gt5094stang
Well i just took my first test drive after the cleaning and repacking of the steering stem bearings and the bike rode like a champ finally. I dont know if my brakes were that bad but the new install of the Blue Dots made a huge difference along with the racesetup on the forks. Hopefully the weather will hold up for a few hours this weekend so i can take the bike for a nice cruise around town.