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Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:28 am
by CrazySkullCrusher
I need more ponies. The 96fzr600r is supposed to have between 91 and 98 bhp depending on what magazine you read. Either my bike isn't out or I need more. I have stock header and airbox, kn filter and vance and hines ss can. Motor seems to be in great running order. How can I squeeze more fun juice out of my bike without dropping a ton of loot? What jet kit has everyone had the best results with? I have stock jets, needles etc. Stock ignition (maybe a timing advance?) I would hate to dump the cash on an aftermarket header if one can even be found. Help me out people, how can I supe my fizzer up?
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:18 pm
by sweekster
Are you sure you were reading the specs for a US 96 FZR and not the Foxeye YZF600R (AKA Euro FZR600R)? Far as I know the US FZR 600 (what you have) puts out 85hp at the output shaft in stock form. That, depending on conditions, should yield 60-65hp to the rear wheel. The YZF600R engine puts 100hp with about 80 going to the wheel. With that said, a jet kit and full exhaust, doing the ford coil mod, along with changing your gear ratio can help out your FZR engine. I'll let others chime on what they have and how it can help maybe help you. You could also swap a YZF600R motor into your frame as well. Do a search or two and you'll see that it's been done.
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:21 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
Acording to the vin lookup my insurance co did its a 96 fzr600r. Title says f6r.
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:34 pm
by sweekster
96 YZF600R. Also Called the FOX Eye FZR600R in Europe and elsewhere in the world
96 US FZR600 (in some places called an FZR600R)
Notice they are two different bikes? Regardless my suggestions are still applicable.
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:44 pm
by delvryboy
I thought you had pods? If so, step up the jet size big time. You can't possibly be running right with stock jets...
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:45 pm
by delvryboy
ahh, nevermind, had you mixed up.
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:50 pm
by blensen
What sweek said. My only addition is to do reelrazon's cheapo ignition advance mod. A good alternative to an aftermarket header is to buy a stock header from a first-gen R6. You'll have to have a welder buddy or thatkid modify it to work for you, but it's definitely worth it. My bike is noticeably punchier in the midrange with it. FYI, I'm running the stock airbox with a drop-in K&N, R6 header and midpipe, shorty Arrow can, and RR's ignition advance. At this point, the only way I'm going to get more power out of this bike is to swap motors or build a 660.
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:14 pm
by cad600
My FZR600 dyno'ed at 78hp to the rear wheel on a Dynojet dyno. Fairly hot day with high humidity - stock air filter, jet kit of some kind but don't know which and a full Yoshi system. Nothing else.
If your jonesin for more hp then your only options are 1) YZF600 engine for a grand total of 10hp, 2) a 660 build which will yield about 15-20hp, or 3) a different bike. You can get a few ponies here and there out of the FZR600 engine, but it is too much trouble to get anything real out of them. The 615 & 630 kit that Wiesco makes are only good for about 10hp and they are notorious for causing heat issues.
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:28 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
I'll probably save up over the winter, sell my fizzer and my seca and buy a liter bike. Till then maybe a jet kit.
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:21 pm
by thatkid
CrazySkullCrusher wrote:I'll probably save up over the winter, sell my fizzer and my seca and buy a liter bike. Till then maybe a jet kit.
What exactly do you need all this hp for? racing stoplight to stoplight, being able to say you have all this hp, you like paying through the nose for insurance and getting the gas mileage of a civic?
The fzr has more engine than the average person needs if you've tuned it correctly and you aren't huge.
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:44 pm
by delvryboy
F. Not bad even if you are huge.
I wanted bigger awhile back. Then I realized that I didn't have to play catch up to the faster pack on the straights if I was faster in the corners.

Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:18 pm
by pefrey
thatkid wrote:
What exactly do you need all this hp for? racing stoplight to stoplight, being able to say you have all this hp, you like paying through the nose for insurance and getting the gas mileage of a civic?
The fzr has more engine than the average person needs if you've tuned it correctly and you aren't huge.
I feel your pain. I've tried before on others. I've learned not to bother.
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:07 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
And this is why you can only get so much advice from a forum devoted to a single line of motorcycle. There are certain people that have this emotional investment in the brand or model and think its the end-all be-all of motorcycles. You see this a lot in Harley owners, mostly to justify paying too much for an antiquated bike. I don't drag race and I'm not trying to impress anyone. I just want more power. My fzr600 has more power and better handling than my last two bikes but I guess I just want something with more grunt all the way through the rpm range, and the only way is either a newer fi 600 or more displacement.
Re: power-hungry...
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:38 am
by thatkid
And this is also why you can never make people understand that they don't need more displacement or FI. The 2001 R1, for example, is touted as one of the best iterations of the bike by multiple magazines. What did the 2001 models have....wait for it... carburetors!
You also see the more power scenario from less experienced riders, the same way you see the more power scenario in "street racer" car guys. They go for power first. I mean, who cares how you're going to stop all that extra power right??
A properly tuned bike will give you what you want. Sure I like FZR's, but I run a custom shop as well. I see a lot of bikes go in and out and I see all the things people have done to said bikes in order to make more power. You know what I rarely see? Stainless lines, upgraded calipers or rotors or even pads. Ask any racers and they will tell you that a properly tuned suspension will make them faster than an extra 50hp. No one wants to learn to tune a bike properly anymore. It's just go out and buy a bigger bike cause that will have more grunt. My fzr pulls hard from idle to redline as do the ones I've tuned. Does it take a hell of a lot of time to do it? You bet it does. I can change jetting and needles easier than trying to plug into a computer and remap for FI. It costs a whole lot less too.
You might want to learn the bike you ride before making claims that the only way to do something is FI or more displacement.
Oh, and comparing to Harley riders will get you very little love. If you want a new bike, go get a new bike. If you want a liter bike, go get a liter bike. Just don't say you HAVE to do it because what you're riding now just won't do it. The truth is you don't want to take the time to do it and are opting for paying for results instead of putting the time in for results.