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89 FZR 600 - Can I Fit a 91 Swingarm

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:26 am
by Clanky

Just got my 89 FZR 600 and it's off road while I fit a new clutch and fork seals.

While I am at it I would like to tidy up the swingarm. I got a later 91 swinger for cheap and wanted to fit that and keep the stock 3.5 in wheel.

Are there any issues that I need to be aware of; will it need spacers to align the wheel, will the original chain guard and rear caliper mounting arm fit?

Any advice would be appreciated.


Re: 89 FZR 600 - Can I Fit a 91 Swingarm

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:43 am
by Yamster
I think its a straight swop as far as the frame goes,but the chain guard is different,and the brake arm houses the pipe restrainer type thing.Its separate on the older square type arm.
Someone who knows there stuff will post about the wheel and spacers,but i think it will be a straight swop.

Re: 89 FZR 600 - Can I Fit a 91 Swingarm

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:37 am
by Clanky
Thanks for the advice, Yamster.

I picked up a second hand chain guard and caliper torque arm this morning.

If anyone can confirm if spacers are needed to fit the 3.5 in rim I'd really appreciate it.

Re: 89 FZR 600 - Can I Fit a 91 Swingarm

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:55 am
by old_school
Straight swap. But why are you doing it? The 3.5 rim will fit just fine in the 89 swinger and other than some slight cosmetics are functionally the same.

Re: 89 FZR 600 - Can I Fit a 91 Swingarm

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:09 pm
by Clanky
Thanks for the confirmation. I checked the parts fiche for both years and the components appeared to be the same items.

I'm doing the swap because the bike is off the road while I do some other repairs. The original swing arm is very tatty and I got a swing arm off a 91 cheap, so I decided to clean that up and put it in now to limit the time the bike is off the road. Like you say there is a cosmetic improvement and I just thought that it would be a nice upgrade.

Re: 89 FZR 600 - Can I Fit a 91 Swingarm

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:26 am
by old_school
I had the same problem but changing that swinger is slot of effort which I always put off. :) I did the rear wheel swap