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stumble off idle

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:27 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
I have a 96 fzr600 and it runs great except for a stumble right off idle. Pulled the carbs off, bench synced them with feeler gauges and ran the pilot screws out to 3.5 turns. Pulled a few bowls and everything looks good inside, pulled a few slides and can see someone shimmed the stock needles with washers to make up for the k&n air filter. Put it back together and still stumbles. An unrelated problem, the slide on #3 stays up, doesn't return like the rest...feels like there is a vaccuum staying in the diaphragm. Any help will be greatly appreciated as I am not putting the bike back together till I sort this out. Thanks guys.

Re: stumble off idle

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:18 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
Ok, figured out what the slide problem was, I left the spring on the bench lol :drink: put the bike back together because I was tired of not riding it. Still curious about my stumble.

Re: stumble off idle

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:09 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
The stumble is even there if you dial up on the idle screw. There's just a dead spot in the throttle right off idle.

Re: stumble off idle

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:47 pm
by floridafzr600
i have the same problem when you take off its pretty much ba ba ba AND UR GONE?

Re: stumble off idle

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:50 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
Yeah, as soon as I let out the clutch and twist the throttle it runs great but it hesitates a little and that sometimes causes me to stall. A few cap fulls of sea foam seems to be smoothing it out.

Re: stumble off idle

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:01 pm
by floridafzr600
CrazySkullCrusher wrote:Yeah, as soon as I let out the clutch and twist the throttle it runs great but it hesitates a little and that sometimes causes me to stall. A few cap fulls of sea foam seems to be smoothing it out.
thats the only thing i could find too its almost like it dont get enough fuel

Re: stumble off idle

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:19 pm
by CrazySkullCrusher
Maybe ill check my float height, that has a lot to do with off idle fueling.