Just got a free bike...
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:14 pm
Whats up forum peeps! New to bikes, havent been on one since I was a kid and that was just a dirtbike. Just got a 97 FZR600R w/ 7900 mi for free. Its been parked for about 10 years. I was told it was an insurance claim bike that was never fixed. Been so busy lately I havent had much time to work on it, but that will all change friday when I get my 1st house (w/ a 4 car garage!!). Im sooo stoked Now I will finally be able to put them tools to work. Anyways Im rambling...
After cleaning it off with a pressure washer the right side engine cover started leaking all the oil out. Replaced the gasket and changed the oil. Are there any other parts that need greased or attention when doing a routine tune up/oil change? Put a new battery in it,checked the plugs(looked a little on the rich side)cleaned out the carbs. Its gonna need an o-ring kit, the print-o-seal type o-rings are in pretty bad shape. Cleaned out the fuel tank. I got a jar of fuel and ran a lead hose to the fuel pump, it would fire then die...the pump was the culprit, got lucky cleaning it out with carb cleaner and working it back and forth with a rubber tipped blowgun, works like a champ now. She fired right up after that, ran crappy for a min, I had to throttle it/play with the choke to keep her running. Then she started smoothing out. Revved it up to around 5k a few times just cuz I was getting all giggity that it was running. Probably gonna need tweaked after I road test it.
Got new tires comming for $160 shipped. (110/70ZR-17 (54W) Bridgestone Battlax BT016 Front;150/70-18 (70V) Bridgestone Battlax BT45 V-Rated Rear) What a PITA finding the rear tire, I had to go with a lil bit bigger one, hope it will work. The front tire is dry rotted completely thru. The rear looks ok but Im not brave enough to push a 10+ old tire thats been sitting.
Got a new K&N air filter for $44 from the dealer...the parts guy told me I may have to rejet the carb due to more air the K&N will give, cant I just richen the mix!? Even if I have to get some bigger jets, its not a big deal, I gotta tear the carb apart again anyways to re-oring it.
My main goal right now it to get it out on the road to make sure I dont have any trans issues. After I get all the mechanics in top notch Ill go after all the pretty plastics im missing and a fresh paint job. Hoping sat after I move in I can get the tires mounted and put on, then ride it, but its lookin iffy with the new house...
Any special tricks/tips to removing the front or rear wheels? I plan on doing brakes front and rear, and changing the fork oil soon. I know I still got a ton of research on this forum to do, helped alot with my carb cleanout job.
I figure a couple hundred more and it should be a good reliable bike.
Any tips on what I should be looking, smelling, feeling, or watch like a hawk lil things i should look for on the bike when I 1st take it out. I defiantly dont plan on driving it like a raped ape but do wanna kinda get the rpms up to decarbon anything built up in the cylinders, whats a good rpm to shift @?
Only got 2 pics so far. Ill take some more when I get the new garage and get a lil more organized.

After cleaning it off with a pressure washer the right side engine cover started leaking all the oil out. Replaced the gasket and changed the oil. Are there any other parts that need greased or attention when doing a routine tune up/oil change? Put a new battery in it,checked the plugs(looked a little on the rich side)cleaned out the carbs. Its gonna need an o-ring kit, the print-o-seal type o-rings are in pretty bad shape. Cleaned out the fuel tank. I got a jar of fuel and ran a lead hose to the fuel pump, it would fire then die...the pump was the culprit, got lucky cleaning it out with carb cleaner and working it back and forth with a rubber tipped blowgun, works like a champ now. She fired right up after that, ran crappy for a min, I had to throttle it/play with the choke to keep her running. Then she started smoothing out. Revved it up to around 5k a few times just cuz I was getting all giggity that it was running. Probably gonna need tweaked after I road test it.
Got new tires comming for $160 shipped. (110/70ZR-17 (54W) Bridgestone Battlax BT016 Front;150/70-18 (70V) Bridgestone Battlax BT45 V-Rated Rear) What a PITA finding the rear tire, I had to go with a lil bit bigger one, hope it will work. The front tire is dry rotted completely thru. The rear looks ok but Im not brave enough to push a 10+ old tire thats been sitting.
Got a new K&N air filter for $44 from the dealer...the parts guy told me I may have to rejet the carb due to more air the K&N will give, cant I just richen the mix!? Even if I have to get some bigger jets, its not a big deal, I gotta tear the carb apart again anyways to re-oring it.
My main goal right now it to get it out on the road to make sure I dont have any trans issues. After I get all the mechanics in top notch Ill go after all the pretty plastics im missing and a fresh paint job. Hoping sat after I move in I can get the tires mounted and put on, then ride it, but its lookin iffy with the new house...

Any tips on what I should be looking, smelling, feeling, or watch like a hawk lil things i should look for on the bike when I 1st take it out. I defiantly dont plan on driving it like a raped ape but do wanna kinda get the rpms up to decarbon anything built up in the cylinders, whats a good rpm to shift @?
Only got 2 pics so far. Ill take some more when I get the new garage and get a lil more organized.