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Carb problems

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:50 pm
by xSkidmarK
Whats going on guys. I just bough a 98 Fzr600 about 3 days ago. Now the bike runs if i have the choke wide open, but doesn't want to idle. I was told it had a cracked Carb mani, i was also told it could just be an idle screw issue. well i took off some fairings and was messing with the idle and still nothing. Yamaha wants 85$ just to look at it. Is there anyway by taking off some fairings and looking at the carbs just from the side, to tell if it is a cracked mani? or am i gonna have to take it in and have them check it out?

Re: Carb problems

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:53 am
by taggy
have you tried adjusting the screw on the spring return between carb 2 and 3 (the one the throttle cable attaches to) might be that there isn't enough movement on the idle adjuster to do much. try running it and sqirting some lube type spray around where the carbs mount on the rubbers, it might show if there is a leak here as this can be a common fault as the rubber perishes which would tie in with needing more fuel (choke out) to run properly as more air getting in?

Re: Carb problems

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:19 pm
by yamaha_george