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bike wobble????

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:28 pm
by gt5094stang
K guys im new to the bike world but i have ridden my bike previousley for the past 3 months on and off while working on getting the bike running right and rebuilding the carbs and all. Question i have is that i have ridden the same roads all the time.....and today for the first time i had a strange wobble in the front end??? I checked the tire pressure, wheel is tight, bearings are good and everything checked out good. Could it just be that the bike was tracking in the groove like a car does sometimes??? or rough roads and just not used to riding yet???

not to mention this was at low speeds of no more than maybe 35-45mph when this happened

Re: bike wobble????

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:16 am
by yamaha_george
Front end wobbles usually start at the back.

also please read:-

Re: bike wobble????

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:17 am
by racerd14666
i think they should make it a mandatory to put your location in when signing up so we dont have to encounter the wrath of yamaha_george lol,

wobbles can be caused by a few things like unbalanced tires, steering stem bearings, swing arm bearings, ect. was it a up and down or side to side wobble?

Re: bike wobble????

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:13 am
by yamaha_george
racerd14666 wrote:i think they should make it a mandatory to put your location in when signing up so we dont have to encounter the wrath of yamaha_george lol,

I wish !