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hey guys couple questions (Engine Teardown)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:00 pm
by drummrboy_2002
so i bought my fzr last year on the cheap and enjoyed it for a bit till one fateful day i heard the dreaded sound of a bearing going out. long story short it was a transmission bearing and now that i finally have the time ive gotten around to tearing the engine down and its currently in pieces. so onto the question, everything seems to be in good shape besides this but is there anything you guys would recommend doing to it as long as the engines apart, it was rebuilt a couple thousand miles ago, i read somewhere that i should just replace all the bearings in the tranny but the other ones seem to be ok so idk if its necessary.

also ive never posted before but thnx for all the advice on this page its been an amazing help with getting the bike running right and stuff you guys are rad

Re: hey guys couple questions

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:21 pm
by ronny86
valves seems to be the main issue with fzrs

Re: hey guys couple questions

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:50 am
by SquadraCorse
It all depends on how much money you want to spend. Engine parts add up extremely fast especially when using OEM, which I would. If it was rebuilt a few thousand miles ago you probably shouldn't have to do anything. I'd check the valve clearances and make sure none of the valve seals are leaking. Use all new **OEM** gaskets and seals when you put it back together. I bought an aftermarket gasket set and ended up replacing everything but the oil pan and peanut cover gaskets with OEM ones. Don't skimp out on this, especially the head and cylinder gaskets. You can deglaze the cylinder bores, check the head, and probably call it a day. When I put my new undercut gearbox in I left the main bearings and rod bearings and rings, replaced all the gaskets and seals, and put on a decked head with freshly lapped valves and new seals.

Re: hey guys couple questions (Engine Teardown)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:43 pm
by drummrboy_2002
thanks, i dont really wanna spend alot cuz im a poor college kid and i paid like a grand for the bike, my pops was a mechanic and he checked it out and said everything looked pretty good so i think im set ill be sure to grab the oem gaskets though cuz i really dont wanna tear it apart again thanks again for the advice

Re: hey guys couple questions (Engine Teardown)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:15 am
by yamaha_george
might be an idea to put your location in your personal profile,it will help the guys give you more detailed advice if we knew what world market the bike was from as euro bikes vary from US models and neither are like japanese market bikes.
The other thing is there may be a guy near you who can drink your beer whilst passing the spanners LoL

Re: hey guys couple questions (Engine Teardown)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:56 pm
by drummrboy_2002
yea i guess i sorta just hastily threw this up there. Im from wisconsin (madison area) so there isnt a shortage of people who wanna drink my beer....maybe a shortage of people who wanna actually help rather than get obliterated though haha i spose i should also at some point put a pic of my bike up too, but right now shes bein a bitch so i dont want to give her the attention.

Re: hey guys couple questions (Engine Teardown)

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:25 am
by yamaha_george
drummrboy_2002 wrote:yea i guess i sorta just hastily threw this up there. Im from wisconsin (madison area) so there isnt a shortage of people who wanna drink my beer....maybe a shortage of people who wanna actually help rather than get obliterated though haha i spose i should also at some point put a pic of my bike up too, but right now shes bein a bitch so i dont want to give her the attention.
thank for the location and as you say you will not be short of beer drinkers LoL.
You should post pics then we (& you) can see progress on the work and the bike will cease to be a PITA, trust me on that one.

Re: hey guys couple questions (Engine Teardown)

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:07 pm
by racerd14666
you might wanna inspect you chain and sprocket cus thats a common culprit that tears those bearings up