This a VR problem or do I have more on my hands?

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This a VR problem or do I have more on my hands?

Post by Fizzin@100 »

Hello all,

So this past weekend I was able to enjoy riding my bike for several hours with no issues. The temp was in the mid 60's. Yesterday and today it has been in the 90's :swear and I can only make it about 20 minutes of riding until I pull up for a stop and the bike just kills on me. It does not start back up unless full gas is given but doesnt go above 1 RPM at this point. It has just had a new stator placed in the bike but the VR looks like its still from 95'.

Is this a Rectifier issue I am looking at or do you think that it could be something else? If I let it sit for an hour or more, it starts right back up and runs ok. Does have a little putter to it is why i am leaning on the VR. Thoughts>?

Thanks for your help in advance ya'll. I am brand new to my FZR and the site.

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Re: This a VR problem or do I have more on my hands?

Post by DonTZ125 »

A bad VR won't cause running problems like that. 'No running, full throttle = VROOM!' sounds more like carbs or a fouled air filter.
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Re: This a VR problem or do I have more on my hands?

Post by 97fzrnoob »

I agree with the carbs. I just went through a similar issue and it ended up being worn emulsion tubes (all egg shaped) bike ran great for 20 mins or so than wouldn't get out of its on way after it warmed up. It was getting "flooded out" so to speak cause of the tubes.
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Re: This a VR problem or do I have more on my hands?

Post by yamaha_george »

well welcome to the madhouse where the inmates rule. To help your self the WIKI has ahow to section and since VR are the bane of every 600 owners life there is a troubleshooting chart.
Where you are in the world (put in your personal profile) will establish what electrics you have and the year of model would go along way to give us a clue ............................
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