Need Advice on buying a FZR600

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Need Advice on buying a FZR600

Post by JuniorGS »

I'm looking into buying a 1992 fizzer. I like the way the bike looks and research tells me it is a good bike, even by todays standards.

The Goods
-Metallic red paint
-solo tail
-integrated tail lights

The Bads
-It isn't currently running because of a no spark issue.
-30k miles

My research tells me it is probably the TCI module. Maybe the VR; but other accessories work. What would you pay?
(p.s. I'm on a low budget)
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Re: Need Advice on buying a FZR600

Post by DonTZ125 »

Hi, Junior.

I think we got off on the wrong foot - I wasn't implying that you were hijacking Ickis' thread, but rather suggesting you start THIS thread so *I* didn't hijack the 'for sale' thread! :thumbsup:

A bad VR will not in and of itself cause a no-spark situation, but it can kill your TCI. You need to check your safety switches - Neutral, Sidestand, and Clutch for security and operation. If they're all good, try grounding the top-center pin on the 6-pin connector on the TCI (second from the right on the bottom for a 13-pin Cali connector).

Testing the coils - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=8326#p77233
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Re: Need Advice on buying a FZR600

Post by JuniorGS »

One concern of mine was that, if the VR is bad that; it would fry the new TCI module when ran. How would I directly test the VR for faultiness?


Don: Don't worry about before, all's well. :cheers:
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Re: Need Advice on buying a FZR600

Post by DonTZ125 »

Basic VR check - measure the voltage across the battery at 3000 rpm. If it's below 14.3vdc, it's undercharging; if it's over 15.3v, it's overcharging.

Undercharging is annoying; your battery goes flat, and the bike stops running. On the bright side, nothing else gets blown up! There are two likely causes, being either the stator, or the VRR failed low.

Overcharging is pretty much always the fault of the VRR, and will destroy things if not sorted out quickly. banghead
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