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Fluctuating idle and weak acceleration..

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:41 pm
by mpgrunt222
So my FZR isn't exactly idling perfectly. Is the idle supposed to be a little rough on the FZR? I just bought this bike so I'm not really familliar with the Fizzer yet. In this video: ... ata_player I have the carbs synced but you can see the RPMs moving up and down a bit at idle. Other than that... when I take off from a stop it makes a rattle sound.. the same sound a bike makes if you take off and don't give it enough gas. Then if you give it a hard acceleration up to 9000 RPM in 1st it kinda winds its way up there. Its not completely smooth or fast through the acceleration. Kind of like its struggling. I checked the float height and adjusted. Emulsion tubes maybe?

Re: Fluctuating idle and weak acceleration..

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:59 pm
by yamaha_george
a number of things :-
I guess it is 600 as that you posted in that section
Where in the world you are as models vary thro the world market ?
This latter should be stated in your personal profile for future reference as no one will remember this first post.

Fluctuation is usually an air leak, since you synched and cleaned the carbs I would say they are either
A} poorly seated
B} have cracked or torn boots

Re: Fluctuating idle and weak acceleration..

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:31 pm
by mpgrunt222
thanks for the reply. It's a 1994 FZR600. I live in the United States. I was looking at the airbox today... I noticed the boots going from the airbox to the top of the carbs are made out of something like radiator hose. They are NOT the original boots, but something a previous owner rigged up. If those are leaking could this cause the fluctuating idle?

Re: Fluctuating idle and weak acceleration..

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:18 pm
by DonTZ125
"Well, THERE's your problem right there!"

Yeah - anything "rigged up" by the previous owner should always considered suspect.

Re: Fluctuating idle and weak acceleration..

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 8:41 am
by mpgrunt222
I took the airbox completely off and let it idle. The idle doesn't change at all and continues to fluctuate with the airbox off. I sprayed starting fluid at the carb boots but it didn't change the RPMs. I'm going to re-check float height and emulsion tubes today... I will post back