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Switching Octane from Regular to Premium is OK???
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 10:48 am
by ggradio
I bought my 97' fzr600 last month. On the first fill up I used Regular. Then after reading on here I saw a post about using different octanes for FZR's. My questions are, Should a sport bike use Premium? Is it ok to switch right from Reg to Prem?

Re: Switching Octane from Regular to Premium is OK???
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 11:01 am
by sweekster
That's a subjective question. I run premium in my bike-mainly because that's what is stated in the manual. That withstanding, if your bike runs fine on regular there's not much reason to switch. There are quite a few people on this forum who run their bikes on regular with no issue. Others have bikes that won't run at all on regular-go figure. My old 600 didn't like it. Anywho you could go about running 1 tank of premium through and see if it runs better. If it does then there's your answer.
Re: Switching Octane from Regular to Premium is OK???
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:58 pm
by ggradio
Thanks, I'll try some premium and see how it does.
Re: Switching Octane from Regular to Premium is OK???
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 8:10 pm
by Yial
I have a 1994 FZR 600, and I recently ran about 1,000 miles on regular, that being said, I use premium because why not? The bike only takes 2-2.5 gallons on empty for me.. so the difference in price is negligible, even with how much I've been running it. I just kind of figure, it's supposed to burn better and cleaner, and it's easier then cleaning the carbs.
Some of my friends (for example, the one who owns a '99 R6) run regular and haven't seen any problems.
I second just seeing what works best in your bike though. (And your wallet)
Re: Switching Octane from Regular to Premium is OK???
Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 6:04 am
by turbotom105
the best performance on any piston engine will come from running the lowest octane the engine will take without detonation. Believe it or not there is more energy in regular gas then there is in premium gas and more power potential providing the engine does not detonate. A bump up in compression ratio or timing will allow the bike to realize the benefits of running a higher octane fuel but in the case of a stock timed and compression fzr your better off with the regualr gas
Re: Switching Octane from Regular to Premium is OK???
Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:14 am
by _Will_
per the sticker on the inside of your rear fender the bike was designed to take 90, I run 89 without problem on my 94 600
Re: Switching Octane from Regular to Premium is OK???
Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 6:07 pm
by yamaha_george
to be fair the label regular & premium on this board is totally meaningless as different countries use different standards and additives. You have to check what yamaha says about octane and buy what ever gas that is in your location and watch out for ethanol etc in it.
Re: Switching Octane from Regular to Premium is OK???
Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 6:40 pm
by DonTZ125
The other issue is that some countries use MON, some RON, and some (RON+MON)/2...
Re: Switching Octane from Regular to Premium is OK???
Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:01 am
by ggradio
So I filled up with a tank of 93 Premium. Rode about 50 miles and really couldn't tell a difference. I think I'll just stick with Mid-Grade. I'll have to look for that label.