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Rear set washer dilema

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:05 pm
by navypilot
Good day all, I'm the new guy and this is my first post. I have a 95 fzr600 and have a question that blew my mind enough to come check out the forum.

I decided to have my rearsets powder coated. I brought them to the company and they disassembled them to do the job. When I got my parts back they gave me everything in pieces. there are 2 oddly shaped washers that came in the bag. One of them was broken in half :-\. I checked on the bikebandit website and they don't seem to sell parts for rear sets. SO my questions are 2 fold. First, does anyone know if I can source the washer from anywhere??? and second, in the assembly process, where do they go? Do they go between the peg bracket and the shifting body or between the mounting bracket and the shifting body?

Thanks ahead of time for your help!!

Kind Regards.

The picture is in my album. Here's a link: gallery2.php?g2_itemId=24190

Re: Rear set washer dilema

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 7:13 pm
by thatkid ... parts.html

You are looking for part 33.

It goes between the mounting bracket and shift/brake lever