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Got It! 94' Yamaha FZR 600
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:53 pm
by ThrottleJunkie
So the part finally came in the mail today, Ive been riding the whole day since! When i bought my fizzer, she was only running on full choke and as soon as you hit the throttle, she'd cut off. I narrowed it down to the fuel pump (which is what came in the mail today). Also when i bought her the Tach, Turn Signals, Low Beam Headlight, Brake Light, Neutral light, and Horn weren't working (mind you that i got her for $900 [with a jacket, helmet and cover]). Do you guys have any idea on where to start with the electrical? Also is there some kind of Voltage diagram that tells me what voltage i should have where?
Thanks, T.J. (no thats not my name)
Re: Got It! 94' Yamaha FZR 600
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:43 am
by blensen
I would start with the fusebox under the rider seat. If those are ok, check your battery voltage if it's in the 15V range (that's just off the cuff, I'm sure someone who knows what they're talking about like mawler or DonTZ125 will chime in shortly) your voltage regulator is bad and it probably blew out all of the bulbs and the tach. I wouldn't ride it until you check your voltage, especially because you're showing all the symptoms of a blown VR. You could fry your TCI and those aren't easy or cheap to replace.
Re: Got It! 94' Yamaha FZR 600
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:51 am
by trifgeorge
I think you should start at he Voltage Regulator. You should check voltage on the battery at 3000 RPM with the ligts turned off and on. With the lights turned off you should read 14.0-14.3 Volts and with the lights turned on you should rear between 13.7-14.0 Volts. If you rear more than 14.6 Volts in any of the cases, then the VR charges too much and it's bad. And I think that is why the lights and tach don't work.
Good luck!
L.E. Blesen you beat me to it!