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Where can i buy from?
Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:58 pm
by trifgeorge
Big problem!!! The heads on two of the pilot screws from my 600 are flat, so i need new ones, but i don't know where to find them.
Is there a place where i can buy these from?
Re: Where can i buy from?
Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:25 pm
by rotortech
Which screws? Are you talking about carb parts? A picture might help.
Re: Where can i buy from?
Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:46 pm
by yamaha_george
no need to get new ones I used to add bronze brazing rod to the head then file & cut a new head & slot.
The bronze is much "tougher" than the brass and can handle abuse more (should you get clumsy <GRIN>
I think I have a photo of a carb fitted with one some place have to dig it out.
If the carbs are MIKUNI then SUDCO in the states and in the UK has MIKUNI & Keihin parts
Re: Where can i buy from?
Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:58 pm
by trifgeorge
Rotortech, yes i'm talking about carb parts, and in particular,about the air/fuel mixture screws. Idon't have a picture right now.
The, i managed to take out one of the two screws without drilling it, but the other one had to be drilled to be able to take it out, so I'm looking for at least one pilot screw. I will try your method with the one that came out without being drilled.
Re: Where can i buy from?
Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:12 am
by yamaha_george
trifgeorge wrote:Rotortech, yes i'm talking about carb parts, and in particular,about the air/fuel mixture screws. Idon't have a picture right now.
The, i managed to take out one of the two screws without drilling it, but the other one had to be drilled to be able to take it out, so I'm looking for at least one pilot screw. I will try your method with the one that came out without being drilled.
I hope the thread in the carb body is ok after drilling? Next time on brass and carb bodies use old (flat) coca cola as a lube/soak to get the parts apart.
Was throughly in water afterwards (sugar is not good for engine consumption ) and NEVER leave carbs in coke overnight !!!!!!!
Re: Where can i buy from?
Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:27 am
by trifgeorge
The thread on the carb is ok, I drilled it right on the center. I went this morning to a friend that has a scooter shop and took a aprilia leonardo 150 pilot screw from him as it is very little different than the one on the 600. I know that the pilot screw from the aprilia leonardo 150 is identical to the pilot screws on the 1000 carbs (i used one on my friend's FZR1000 last year).
I will start her up in about half hour so I will see how it runs.
Here's what a guy did to the pilot screw that he had on his bike. ... 061&page=1
I also have some 110 mm main jets from some GSX600F mikuni carbs
are they good to go instead of my 107,5 ones if the thread is the same?
The one on the left is the fzr one, and the one on the right is the 110 suzuki one.

Re: Where can i buy from?
Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:53 pm
by yamaha_george
well that is a good find for you, the knurled knob adjusters are good idea ( means that good minds think alike as i made some for my RD in Trinidad some 20+ years ago)
I like this sites Carb stuff :- ... uretor.htm
as to the jets I would need to be there to say for sure, you will be a tad richer by jet. Suck it and see is my philosophy when the "real" thing is not available.