how do you tell?

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how do you tell?

Post by floridaorangeboost85 »

how can you tell where your bike was made? can i just google the vin number or call yamaha? i tried to order a new air filter from autozone( 60 damn bucks) and they said that they needed to know where the bike was made because they had two dif filters.. :headscratch:
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Re: how do you tell?

Post by ragedigital »

I don't believe they ever changed filters. What year is your bike?

You can get them off eBay for $20-30 everyday. You can get a K&N filter for $60 shipped.
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Re: how do you tell?

Post by yamaha_george »

floridaorangeboost85 wrote:how can you tell where your bike was made? can i just google the vin number or call yamaha? i tried to order a new air filter from autozone( 60 damn bucks) and they said that they needed to know where the bike was made because they had two dif filters.. :headscratch:
Get a K& N, not autozone garbbage, it will last you a bikes life time if you look after it mine has been on the bike 4-5 years now, cleaned once per year and re-oiled. :grinnod:
This was mine for an FZR600 UK '92 (US '91): ... od=YA-6089
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Re: how do you tell?

Post by kilika2 »

I have the kn part number at home for our bike. I'll get it for you Steve. It's like kn1067 or so.

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Re: how do you tell?

Post by floridaorangeboost85 »

word. idk what the retard at advace was talking about but he said he had two part numbers and the filters where not the same, if i go with the k*n am i going to have to tune my carbs again? cuz that sucks. lol
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Re: how do you tell?

Post by kilika2 »

No tuning. I would get some readings as far as how the bikes throttle is be for and after the kn just in case is does change something. Most likely it won't. I don't even sync with the airbox on and I notice no difference with the kn in.

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Re: how do you tell?

Post by yamaha_george »

floridaorangeboost85 wrote:word. idk what the retard at advace was talking about but he said he had two part numbers and the filters where not the same, if i go with the k*n am i going to have to tune my carbs again? cuz that sucks. lol

It is K&N 's boast that their filters are less restrictive than OEM versions. I was a dealer from back in the '80's when I ran Yamaha services and I never used OEM stuff ever, always K & N, far better deal for the customer and us. The customer could service the air filter on a regular basis if he / she wanted to & we never had to tune the bike after fitting.

Bear in mind I am NOT talking about pods here just REPLACEMENT filters
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Re: how do you tell?

Post by ragedigital »

yamaha_george wrote: It is K&N 's boast that their filters are less restrictive than OEM versions.
A lot of people will tell you the reason K&N's flow so well is that they will let rocks through the filter. The truth is K&N filters use a lot less media than OEM paper filters. That means that you will get more flow from the K&N, BUT it will also allow more dirt into your system. They are also known for their oil getting onto MAF (Mass Air Flow) sensors on cars and playing havoc with your fuel mapping.

My bike came with a K&N. I don't oil it properly and certainly don't clean it all the time. The problem is knowing if it's dirty or not - you really can't tell since it's a dark purplish color.

K&N or paper... it's up to you.
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Re: how do you tell?

Post by floridaorangeboost85 »

i used k/n on a couple turbo set ups, they are good, as for the oil messing up info sensors, you cant just oil it and ride out, it needs to sit for a while before you re install in on ANY vehical, you got to figure, you throttle body is like a vaccume, and a turbo is forced induction, so any liquid left on the filter is going to find its way into the engine. i just wasnt sure about a motorcycle because in a car you dont have to tune the fuel system ( unless you have a stand alone system) just not used to the whole having carbs thing .
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