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bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:13 pm
by Cognac
got a 89 FZR 600.....bogs and dies and low rpms, seemed like the carb was flooding but rebuilt and cleaned carbs and still same problem

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:20 pm
by Target30
have you checked your fuel filter? or tank, migh have something clogging the filter or petcock that allows fuel through when there is higher pressure

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:28 pm
by haunter
fuel pump could be toasted

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:01 pm
by apsolus
will it idle? you cleaned the carbs really good? like the pilots and there ports? sprayed through all the ports and watched cleaner shoot out the other side? is everyting on your intake side air tight? no air leaks?

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:48 pm
by ragedigital
The Idle Mixture Screws (IMS) manage the idle/low RPM range. You may want to make sure that they haven't been adjusted too far out of the norm (usually ~3 turns out)

Have you had this bike for a while or is it something you recently acquired? The reason I ask is that if it's new to you, the first thing I would do is rip through the carbs. Find out if there is an after market jet kit on it, check the emulsion tubes, see what Main jet is in it, etc... These are excellent things to keep on hand while asking questions.

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:19 pm
by sweekster
Bogging usually equals rich to me. That can be attributed to out of synch carbs and/or incorrect float height. You said you cleaned the carbs. Do they have anything after market in them, whether it's adjustable needles or bigger jets? These are only guesses but some things to ponder and maybe help.

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:18 pm
by thatkid
sweekster wrote:Bogging usually equals rich to me. That can be attributed to out of synch carbs and/or incorrect float height. You said you cleaned the carbs. Do they have anything after market in them, whether it's adjustable needles or bigger jets? These are only guesses but some things to ponder and maybe help.

I'll add, have you replaced the air cleaner/filter?

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:55 pm
by Cognac
thanks guys.....checking all things....

this was recently acquired bike.....I bought bike knowing about the problem

thought carb had bigger jets but checked and everything is stock.....air filters are clean, fuel pump is good.......

checking electrical now....could be weak spark

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:36 pm
by thatkid
Ok when I bought my bike it idled rough, was difficult to start when warm, below 2.5k there was no power, over 3k the power kicked in. <<< classic signs of running rich.

After checking the ignition system & renewing the plugs, I turned my attention to the carbs. I adjusted the mixture screws, and gained a slight improvement on the idling. Next step clean/service and balance/synch the carbs.

The Jets were stock, the needle Jets were set @ the first clip position from the bottom (rich). After setting the needle Jets correctly (second position from the top) cleaning/balancing the carbs. Result!

I've read many posts saying stock needle Jets have no adjustment, I have 3 sets of European/UK carbs, all are stock and all have adjustable needles. I'm thinking the none adjustable needles are a Cali/US thing.

If you need to pull the carbs again, check the needle adjustments (if any) are set correctly and the float heights, stock is 22mm.

Good Luck.

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:53 pm
by Cognac
ok guys.....after 45 days....the culprit was the imulsion tubes were "jacked"...not perfectly round but "egg shaped" which the needles had alot of play which caused flooding....replaced the tubes and she is running TIP TOP!!! oh yeah!!!!

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:03 am
by kiki231
haha-- i hear you --
mine were so bad the bike couldnt climb my sloped driveway without bogging. Factory Pro are mine, and i paid 125 bucks for all 4.

BTW, i will be posting a video on the emulsion tube repair i did back in July, along with the the work i did setting the float height.

My float height with my stock main jets is currently 20mm. I am running still slightly rich. I will be testing the mix by using my new "colortune" tool, which allows you to watch the colour of the ignition through glass spark-plugs. After running several different engine speeds, i should be able to determine if it is the float height or simply the mixture screws. BUt in either case, she will be DIALED.

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:46 pm
by ragedigital
If anyone else reading this read is wondering what "emulsion tubes" (needle jets) are, I have posted the images below. After a while they can wear and produce and egg-shaped hole which can cause a "rich" condition.




Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:36 am
by apsolus
ah so thata emultion tube, i thought it was the needles themselves, live and learn. seems like you can never kno everyting about carburators! i swear i learn a new sync meathod or butterfly this float height that all the time screwy

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:29 pm
by thatkid
ragedigital wrote:If anyone else reading this read is wondering what "emulsion tubes" (needle jets)
Dang, I thought "needle jets" was American Speak for what I call the "air valve (throttle slider) needle/s" :cheers:

Re: bogs and dies at low rpms

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:11 pm
by DonTZ125
No, those are the "Jet needles", which slide in the "Needle jets". :whistle