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FZR600 runs hot when left idling?
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:31 am
by Steve Theodore
Please pardon the silly newb question as I just got my 1992 FZR600, but I've noticed if I leave the bike stationary while idling (after warmed up) that the temperature gauge does climb steadily through the range. As soon as I start to ride again, the temperature gauge goes back down to much more reasonable (according the OEM gauge) levels. Is this normal behavior or should I suspect an issue? This is my very first motorcycle by the way, so I don't have any frame of reference for the behavior. Thanks!

Re: FZR600 runs hot when left idling?
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:52 am
by drowningxinxair
i'm not a huge bike expert, but while stationary there is no air moving through the radiator to help cool the engine. When you start moving the air flows through the front of the bike and to the inside to help cool everything off. Is the temperature going all the way up to the red zone? If not I wouldn't worry about it, it's normal for bike to heat up while stationary. there should be a fan that comes on at some point to keep the temprature from raising into the red zone (on the gauge). So if it IS going that high, the fan is the most likely culprit =)
Re: FZR600 runs hot when left idling?
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:33 am
by Steve Theodore
Thanks for the information. It didn't reach the red zone, but I'll continue to watch this as it definitely caught me by I want to be conscious of it.

Re: FZR600 runs hot when left idling?
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:19 pm
by kilika2
Totally normal. The fan should come on about 3/4 or a little more up the guage. You'll hear it. And if you are sitting on the bike you will more than likely feel the hot air moving. There is a write up on the WIKI for a manual fan switch, if you so choose to do so.
Re: FZR600 runs hot when left idling?
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:23 pm
by Steve Theodore
Awesome, thanks a lot for the additional information Chris.
Re: FZR600 runs hot when left idling?
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:04 pm
by ragedigital
Steve Theodore wrote:Is this normal behavior or should I suspect an issue?
It's normal for the FZR. IMO, the stock radiator was not adequate. I run Water Wetter in the summer and a coolant mix in the winter.
Re: FZR600 runs hot when left idling?
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:27 pm
by thatkid
kilika2 wrote:Totally normal. The fan should come on about 3/4 or a little more up the guage. You'll hear it. And if you are sitting on the bike you will more than likely feel the hot air moving. There is a write up on the WIKI for a manual fan switch, if you so choose to do so.
Absolutely spot on