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need help with electrical
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 11:43 am
by jims 93 fzr600r
help ,i been having battery problems ,it was almost dry,so i put in water till i get a battery,so i jump it had it running for 5 min or so,,left my house,got 2 blocks away,and lost all power,got home found 2 fuses blown one was ignition,the other by the turn signal relay,replaced those ,it also my front headlight is out ,my turn signals dont work either,and it firs up now but sound only like 2 cylinders are firing,,im not a genius when it comes to electrical,but i need to know what to check i have a multimeter ,and i know i need a new battery,but now i wonder what else i need,what should i check cdi,voltage regulator,etc etc let me know thanks
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:00 pm
by thatkid
The other fuse that blew is the main fuse, which will almost certainly fry the VR. Blown bulbs, boiled dry battery, fried TCI, fried turn signal relay, are all classic signs, of a faulty overcharging VR.
VR, bulbs, battery, will need replacing, The TCI is probably fried also. Replace the VR before you even think of starting the engine again or replacing the TCI. Search for the R6 VR mod, i strongly advise you upgrade the poor stock VR, to the better R6 VR.
In your introduction, you mentioned a custom tail. I suggest you read this thread
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 12:16 am
by trifgeorge
If the bike doesn't run funny, don't start it untill you buy a new later model VR and you might not be needed to repair your TCI unit.
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:03 pm
by jims 93 fzr600r
thanks guys im currently waitning on my vr,and fixing the rest for now,and repairing my cdi box to,it had a burnt spot in it,so im having my brother remove the transitors and replacing them,,then hopefully that will fix the cdi,if not then will have to buy new one,and i am goin wiht the upgrade on the vr so far i like this fzr forum,alot of info im learning and little tricks thanks guys
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:38 pm
by yamaha_george
jims 93 fzr600r wrote:thanks guys im currently waitning on my vr,and fixing the rest for now,and repairing my cdi box to,it had a burnt spot in it,so im having my brother remove the transitors and replacing them,,then hopefully that will fix the cdi,if not then will have to buy new one,and i am goin wiht the upgrade on the vr so far i like this fzr forum,alot of info im learning and little tricks thanks guys
the FZR does not use a CDI (capacitive discharge ignition ) but TCI Transistor controled ignition)
Just so you learn a little more J/k
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:28 pm
by jims 93 fzr600r
yes i caught it after i posted it,lol
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:00 am
by jims 93 fzr600r
ok guys ,still stumped,i have replaced vr,battery,fixed tci box(new transitors),start it up and it still doesnt seem right. the bike runs,but when the vr is plugged in it runs worse,seems like,so i shut it down,took the red wire off and hook a meter to it and touch a grounded area,it signals a connection ,ive tried finding frayed wires,broke ,or burnt but no luck im kinda stumped is my tci still bad or is thier something else to look for,,my turnsignal relay is still bad havent replaced it yet,,just need more help thanks
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:59 am
by yamaha_george
Have you ever had the bike running properly?
If yes then you still have an electric problem.
If no then the electrics could be good but the fueling is off.
When you turn the ignition on does you fuel pump prime the carbs (de-noted by a series of rapid clicks)?
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:21 am
by jims 93 fzr600r
yeah ,it ran good before the problems,my fuel pump does kick on ,,im gonna check the pick up coil today,and see if its good maybe its cracked or something, i also forgot to mention my tach still didnt work when i started it.
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:24 pm
by jims 93 fzr600r
ok,i tested the stator, it was reading .7 omhs,,would this make the bike not run well? tach doesnt work,and tested the pick up it was at 108 ohms,,so stator or?
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:54 pm
by jims 93 fzr600r
ok nevermind the stator,i found that out to have nothing to do with the way it runs,,im looking for a good tci box,some ignition coils,and plug wires,if you have any or now of any,let me know,thanks
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:17 pm
by thatkid
Have you tested the ignition coils, and plug caps with an ohm meter? Please don't waste your hard earned cash and blame the coils, without checking them fully.
The tach could have also been damaged by the faulty overcharging VR read this thread
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5801&p=63731#p63731 if the same resistor is fried in yours, I checked mine and it's 680 ohms, I informed trifgeorge by PM, just never got round to posting on the thread, which I've now amended. I have photos somewhere, must dig them out.
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:18 pm
by jims 93 fzr600r
update,,,,got my bike back on the road ,turned out to be the tci box still,after i replaced the transistors,it still wouldnt run right,,so bought another tci box and is running good,thanks for all the info now all i have to do is fix rpm gauge and replace turn signal relay
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:48 pm
by DonTZ125
Hi, Jim.
Would you be willing to donate your damaged TCI? I'd like to take a crack at it - see if it's a burned trace or other component.
Ummm... Did you order the installation kit (mica insulator, plastic collar), or just the bare IGBTs? The BIP373s are NOT isolated; the mounting tab is connected to the transistor collector, just like the center leg...
Re: need help with electrical
Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:14 pm
by jims 93 fzr600r
i like to get the one fixed so i could have a backup if ever have this problem again,and i did purchase the transisors kit,but all we used was the transitor,im no computer genuis but i just took old off and replaced with new ,used the same bolts that where on there,and they can with resistors too was i suppose to use them as well??? i guess i should looked into it more on replacing them

. but got in a hurry and thought it would be good. tell me if i done anything wrong,lol,,,thanks